
性別認同英语:Gender identity)是個人對自己的社會性別的親身經歷。[1]性別認同可能與出生時的性別指定相關,也可能與其不同。[2]所有社會都有一套性別類別,可以作為與其他社會成員形成一個人的身份認同的基礎。[3]在大多數社會中,社會性別與性別指定中的男性和女性之間存在基本的分歧,[4]大多數人堅持着性別二元論,其中包括對生物性別和社會性別所有方面的男性氣質和女性氣質的期望:生物性別、性別認同和性別表達。[5]在所有社會中,有些人不認同社會性別的某些(或全部)方面,尤其是基於生物性別的性別指定。[6] 其中一些人是跨性別,性別酷兒者或非二元人群。有一些社會有第三性別分類。



  • 1 形成年齡

  • 2 影響形成的因素

    • 2.1 先天與後天

    • 2.2 生物因素

      • 2.2.1 雙性人

    • 2.3 社會和環境因素

  • 3 非常規性別與跨性別

  • 4 參見

  • 5 參考文獻


關於性別認同是如何以及何時形成的,有幾種理論。因為兒童缺乏語言能力,所以研究人員只能從間接證據中做出假設,因此很難研究這個主題。[10]John Money認爲孩子們可能早在年齡18個月到兩年之間就已經意識到並且認爲性別具有一定的意義,Lawrence Kohlberg認為,直到三歲時,性別認同才會形成。[10] 專家普遍認為,核心性別認同是在三歲時建立完成的。[7][8][10][11]在三歲時,孩子們可以對他們的性別認同作出堅定的陳述,[10][12]並傾向於選擇適合他們性別的活動和玩具[10](如女孩的娃娃和繪畫,男孩的工具和粗糙的住房),[13]雖然他們還沒有完全理解社會性別的影響。[12]三歲以後,核心的性別認同改變是非常困難的,[7][14]並且無法修改指定性別可能會導致性別不安。[10][15]性別認同的固化持續到四歲[14]至六歲[10][16],並持續到青春期。[14]

Martin和Ruble將這一發展過程概念化為三個階段:(1)作為幼兒和學齡前兒童,兒童學習認定的性別社會化特徵。(2)年齡在5-7歲左右,性別認同得到鞏固並變得僵化。(3)在這種“僵化高峰”之後,流動性回歸,社會定義的性別角色的認知有所緩和些。[17]Barbara Newmann將其分為四個部分:(1)理解性別概念。(2)學習性別角色標準和刻板印象。(3)與父母一起認同。(4)形成性別偏好。[18]














一份2012年的臨床評論文章發現,有8.5%至20%的雙性人患有性別不安。[41]澳大利亞的社會學研究表明,19%出生時具有非典型性別特徵的人最後選擇了「X」或「其他」性別選擇,而52%是女性,23%是男性,6 %不確定。出生時,研究中52%的人被指定到女性,41%被指定到男性。[42][43]








  • 性傾向

  • 性別

  • 跨性別

  • 變性

  • 異裝

  • 性別不安症


  1. ^ Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Social Work Practice, edited by Deana F. Morrow and Lori Messinger (2006, ISBN 0231501862), page 8: "Gender identity refers to an individual's personal sense of identity as masculine or feminine, or some combination thereof."

  2. ^ Campaign, Human Rights. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Definitions - Human Rights Campaign. 

  3. ^ V. M. Moghadam, Patriarchy and the politics of gender in modernising societies, in International Sociology, 1992: "All societies have gender systems."

  4. ^ Carlson, Neil R.; Heth, C. Donald, Sensation, (编) Carlson, Neil R.; Heth, C. Donald, Psychology: the science of behaviour 4th, Toronto, Canada: Pearson: 140–141, 2009, ISBN 9780205645244. 

  5. ^ Jack David Eller, Culture and Diversity in the United States (2015, ISBN 1317575784), page 137: "most Western societies, including the United States, traditionally operate with a binary notion of sex/gender"

  6. ^ For example, "transvestites [who do not identify with the dress assigned to their sex] existed in almost all societies." (G. O. MacKenzie, Transgender Nation (1994, ISBN 0879725966), page 43.) — "There are records of males and females crossing over throughout history and in virtually every culture. It is simply a naturally occurring part of all societies." (Charles Zastrow, Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People (2013, ISBN 128554580X), page 234, quoting the North Alabama Gender Center.)

  7. ^ Pamela J. Kalbfleisch; Michael J. Cody. Gender, power, and communication in human relationships. Psychology Press. 1995: 366 pages [June 3, 2011]. ISBN 0805814043. 

  8. ^ 8.08.1 Ann M. Gallagher; James C. Kaufman. Gender differences in mathematics: An integrative psychological approach. Cambridge University Press. 2005. ISBN 0-521-82605-5. 

  9. ^ Erratum. September 2013 Issue, vol. 101 (4), Suppl. 1, pages 1-22. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia. 2014, 102 (3). ISSN 0066-782X. doi:10.5935/abc.2013s010e. 

  10. ^ Boles, 2013. Pages 101-102.

  11. ^ A few authorities say it forms between ages 3-4 rather than precisely at age 3, e.g. George J. Bryjak and Michael P. Soraka, Sociology: Cultural Diversity in a Changing World (ed. Karen Hanson), Allyn & Bacon, 1997; 209-245

  12. ^ 12.012.1 Newmann, Barbara. Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach. Cengage Learning. 2012-12-20: 243. ISBN 9781111344665. 

  13. ^ Christopher Bates Doob, Social Inequality and Social Stratification in US Society

  14. ^ J. A. Kleeman, The establishment of core gender identity in normal girls. I.(a) Introduction;(b) Development of the ego capacity to differentiate, in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1971: "Though gender identity formation continues into young adulthood and core gender identity establishment extends into the fourth year and possibly longer, core gender identity is fairly firmly formed by age 3[.]"

  15. ^ E. Coleman, Developmental stages of the coming out process, in Journal of homosexuality, 1982: "Core gender and sex-role identities are well-formed by the age of 3 (Money & Ehrhardt, 1972). This is believed because attempts to reassign gender identity after age 3 result in further gender dysphoria."

  16. ^ Stein MT, Zucker KJ, Dixon SD. December, 1997. "Gender Identity", The Nurse Practitioner. Vo. 22, No. 12, P. 104

  17. ^ Martin, C.; Ruble, D. Children's Search for Gender Cues Cognitive Perspectives on Gender Development. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2004, 13 (2): 67–70. doi:10.1111/j.0963-7214.2004.00276.x. 

  18. ^ Newmann, Barbara. Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach. Cengage Learning. 2012-12-20: 243. ISBN 9781111344665. 

  19. ^ International technical guidance on sexuality education: An evidence-informed approach (PDF). Paris: UNESCO. 2018: 18. ISBN 978-92-3-100259-5. 

  20. ^ 20.020.1 Effects of male sex hormones on gender identity, sexual behavior, and cognitive function, Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao, Yi Xue Ban (Journal of Central South University, Medical Sciences), April 2006, 31(2):149-61

  21. ^ Money, John. The concept of gender identity disorder in childhood and adolescence after 39 years. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. 1994, 20 (3): 163–77. PMID 7996589. doi:10.1080/00926239408403428. 

  22. ^ Susan Golombok, Robyn Fivush, Gender Development (1994, ISBN 0521408628), page 44: "When assigned and raised as boys, these genetic girls adopt a male gender identity and role, showing that a Y chromosome is not necessary for gender development to proceed in a male direction."

  23. ^ Henslin, James M. Essentials of Sociology. Taylor & Francis. 2001: 65–67, 240. ISBN 0-536-94185-8. 

  24. ^ Factors Influencing Gender Identity. 

  25. ^ Williams, Michael, "Cultural Identity, Language Identity, Gender Identity", "The English Academy of South Africa", 2011

  26. ^ Myers, David G. (2008). Psychology. New York: Worth.

  27. ^ Martin, C. L.; Ruble, D. N.; Szkrybalo, J. Cognitive theories of early gender development. Psychological Bulletin. 2002, 128 (6): 903–906. PMID 12405137. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.128.6.903. 

  28. ^ Nolen-Hoeksema. Abnormal Psychology 6. McGraw-Hill. 2014: 368. ISBN 9781308211503. 

  29. ^ Martin, Carol; Diane Ruble; Joel Szkrybalo. Cognitive Theories of Early Gender Development. Psychological Bulletin. 2002, 128 (6): 903–913. PMID 12405137. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.128.6.903. 

  30. ^ Ghosh, Shuvo. Gender Identity. MedScape. [October 29, 2012]. 

  31. ^ Lynda Birke, In Pursuit Of Difference, scientific studies of women and men, in The Gender and Science Reader, page 310

  32. ^ Hines, Melissa. Prenatal endocrine influences on sexual orientation and on sexually differentiated childhood behavior. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 2017-02-02, 32 (2): 170–182. ISSN 0091-3022. PMC 3296090. PMID 21333673. doi:10.1016/j.yfrne.2011.02.006. 

  33. ^ Lynda Birke suggests that during the early stage of fetal development, specific hormones will enter the brain and “permanently affect how the hypothalamus works. As before, high levels of hormones known as androgens will stop the hypothalamus from ever organizing hormone cycles. If there are low levels, then it will be cyclic.” This early influence on brain determines the different frequency of hormone secretion later in male or female’s life. “Obviously, women’s sex hormones usually follow a monthly cycle,” while “men’s sex hormones do not follow such a pattern.” Birke, Lynda. The Gender and Science Reader. : 313. 

  34. ^ Blackless, Melanie; Charuvastra, Anthony; Derryck, Amanda; Fausto-Sterling, Anne; Lauzanne, Karl; Lee, Ellen. How sexually dimorphic are we? Review and synthesis. American Journal of Human Biology. March 2000, 12 (2): 151–166. ISSN 1520-6300. PMID 11534012. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1520-6300(200003/04)12:2<151::AID-AJHB1>3.0.CO;2-F. 

  35. ^ Free & Equal Campaign Fact Sheet: Intersex (PDF). United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 2015 [28 March 2016]. 

  36. ^ Mieszczak, J; Houk, CP; Lee, PA. Assignment of the sex of rearing in the neonate with a disorder of sex development. Curr Opin Pediatr. Aug 2009, 21 (4): 541–7. PMC 4104182. PMID 19444113. doi:10.1097/mop.0b013e32832c6d2c. 

  37. ^ Council of Europe; Commissioner for Human Rights, Human rights and intersex people, Issue Paper, April 2015 

  38. ^ Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics NEK-CNE. On the management of differences of sex development. Ethical issues relating to "intersexuality".Opinion No. 20/2012 (PDF). 2012. Berne. November 2012 [2018-08-06]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2015-04-23). 

  39. ^ World Health Organization. Sexual health, human rights and the law. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2015. ISBN 9789241564984. 

  40. ^ Meyer-Bahlburg, HF. Gender identity outcome in female-raised 46,XY persons with penile agenesis, cloacal exstrophy of the bladder, or penile ablation.. Archives of Sexual Behavior. PMID 16010465. doi:10.1007/s10508-005-4342-9. 

  41. ^ Furtado P. S.; 等. Gender dysphoria associated with disorders of sex development. Nat. Rev. Urol. 2012, 9 (11): 620–627. PMID 23045263. doi:10.1038/nrurol.2012.182. 

  42. ^ New publication "Intersex: Stories and Statistics from Australia". Organisation Intersex International Australia. February 3, 2016 [2016-08-18]. 

  43. ^ Jones, Tiffany; Hart, Bonnie; Carpenter, Morgan; Ansara, Gavi; Leonard, William; Lucke, Jayne. Intersex: Stories and Statistics from Australia (PDF). Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers. 2016 [2 February 2016]. ISBN 978-1-78374-208-0. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于14 September 2016). 

  44. ^ J. Money, J. G. Hampson, and J. L. Hampson, An examination of some basic sexual concepts, 1955

  45. ^ A. L. C. de Vries, et al., Gender Dysphoria and Disorders of Sex Development (2013, ISBN 1461474418)

  46. ^ Anne Fausto-Sterling, Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construct

  47. ^ D. F. Swaab, Sexual differentiation of the human brain: relevance for gender identity, transsexualism and sexual orientation, in Gynecological Endocrinology, 2004: "...direct effects of testosterone on the developing fetal brain are of major importance for the development of male gender identity and male heterosexual orientation. Solid evidence for the importance of postnatal social factors is lacking."

  48. ^ M. S. C. Wallien, Psychosexual outcome of gender-dysphoric children (2008)

  49. ^ M Weinraub, LP Clemens, A Sockloff, T Ethridge, The development of sex role stereotypes in the third year: relationships to gender labeling, gender identity, sex-types toy preference, and family characteristics, in Child Development, 1984: "Previous investigators have failed to observe a relationship between parental attitudes and children's early sex role acquisition..."

  50. ^ Hoogensen, Gunhild; Rottem, Svein Vigeland. Gender Identity and the Subject of Security. Security Dialogue. 2016-06-29, 35 (2): 155–171. doi:10.1177/0967010604044974 (英语). 

  51. ^ Blackless, Melanie; Besser, M.; Carr, S.; Cohen-Kettenis, P.T.; Connolly, P.; De Sutter, P.; Diamond, M.; Di Ceglie, D.; Higashi, Y.; Jones, L.; Kruijver. F.P.M.; Martin, J.; Playdon, Z-J.; Ralph, D.; Reed, T.; Reid, R.; Reiner, W.G.; Swaab, D.; Terry, T.; Wilson, P.; Wylie, K. Atypical Gender Development – A Review. International Journal of Transgenderism. 2003, 9: 29–44 [2008-09-28]. doi:10.1300/J485v09n01_04. (原始内容存档于2008-10-07). 

  52. ^ Words Matter: Affirming Gender Identity Through Language. 18 May 2016. 

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