



  • 巴拉克·歐巴馬:第44任美國總統

  • 荷莉·貝瑞:美國奧斯卡金像獎最佳女主角獎項首位女性非裔得獎者

  • 德瑞克·基特:美國職棒大聯盟紐約洋基主力游擊手(聯棒生涯:1996年—)

  • 梅根·馬克爾:英國哈利王子妻子

  • 亚历山大·佩蒂翁:海地总统(1807年—1818年)

  • 让-皮埃尔·布瓦耶:海地总统(1822年—1843年)


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  • Eguilaz y Yanguas, Leopoldo. Glosario de las palabras españolas (castellanas, catalanas, gallegas, mallorquinas, portuguesas, valencianas y bascongadas), de orígen oriental (árabe, hebreo, malayo, persa y turco). Granada: La Lealtad. 1886 (西班牙语). 

  • Ho, Engseng, an anthropologist, discusses the role of the muwallad in the region. Freitag, Ulrike; Clarence-Smith, William G. (编). Hadhrami Traders, Scholars and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s-1960s. Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia 57. Leiden: Brill. 1997: 392 [2008-07-14]. ISBN 90-04-10771-1. (原始内容存档于2008-06-28).  The term muwallad, used primarily in reference to those of 'mixed blood', is analyzed through ethnographic and textual information.

  • Freitag, Ulrike. Hadhrami migration in the 19th and 20th centuries. The British-Yemeni Society. December 1999 [2008-07-14]. (原始内容存档于2000-07-12). 

  • Myntti, Cynthia. Interview: Hamid al-Gadri. Yemen Update (American Institute for Yemeni Studies). 1994, 34 (44): 14–9 [2008-07-14]. (原始内容存档于2008-06-18). 


  • An article on the mulatto depictions in fiction

  • At Race Relations, in depth research on Mulattos

  • Encarta's breakdown of Mulatto people (Archived 2009-11-01)

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