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Boston University
拉丁文:Universitas Bostoniensis

Boston University seal.svg

Learning, Virtue, Piety
(學習 美德 敬虔)
Robert A. Brown
9,974 (包括教師)




NCAA 第一級


Rhett the Boston Terrier
Patriot League

BU-logo - 2.png


波士顿大学Boston University, 通常简称 BU 或 Boston U)是一所位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿的著名私立研究型大学。該校主校区位於波士頓查爾士河河畔的現址。該校於波士頓市區南邊的長木醫學區設有醫學院校區。

波士顿大学拥有大约3800多名学术性教职工和33000多名在校学生,同时也是波士顿最大的大学。学校通过所属的18个学院授予学士学位,硕士学位,博士学位以及医学,牙科,商科和法学学位。波士顿大学是美国大学协会(AAU)和爱国者联盟(Patriot League)成员。

截止2018年,波士顿大学的校友、教授及研究人员中,共有9位诺贝尔奖得主(包括马丁·路德·金和埃利·维瑟尔),23位普利策奖得主,10位罗德奖学金得主,6位马歇尔奖学金得主,9位奥斯卡金像奖得主,以及众多艾美奖和托尼奖得主。该校过去和现在还有多位 麦克阿瑟奖,斯隆奖和Guggenheim Fellowship得主。学校还拥有多名美国文理科学院,美国国家科学院,美国国家工程院院士在此工作或曾于此就读。


  • 1 录取生源

  • 2 學術

    • 2.1 院系设置

    • 2.2 排名

  • 3 體育競技

  • 4 著名校友

    • 4.1 宗教界

    • 4.2 普利策獎得主

    • 4.3 新聞界(含紀錄片製作及廣播業界)

    • 4.4 美國政界

      • 4.4.1 美國州長

      • 4.4.2 美國國會議員

      • 4.4.3 其他

    • 4.5 各國政界

    • 4.6 商界

    • 4.7 學術界

    • 4.8 文壇

    • 4.9 表演藝術及大眾文化

    • 4.10 體壇

    • 4.11 其他

  • 5 註解

  • 6 外部連結






波士顿大学通过所属的18个学院提供本科学位,硕士学位,博士学位,以及医学,牙科,法学学位。学校中最新的学院是2014年建立的 Frederick S. Pardee 国际研究学院。 Pardee国际研究学院的前身是波士顿大学国际关系系。Pardee国际研究学院是APSIA助理会员单位,APSIA是世界范围内国际事务学科最顶级的学术联盟。最新的命名是2015年重新命名的 Questrom 商学院。

学校的每一个学院都有一个三位英文字母简称,例如文理学院通常被简称为 CAS,商学院通常被简称位 QSB,教育学院则为 SED。



在2018年的美國新聞與世界報導(US News & World Report)美国国内大学排名中波士顿大学位列第37位。在同一份排名系统中,波士顿大学研究生院按领域排名为:法学第23位,医学研究第30位,工程第34位,商学第44位,教育第36位。

2018年美國新聞與世界報導(US News & World Report)全球最佳大学排名,波士顿大学名列32 [4]



Student Village

該校为著名的「愛國者聯盟」(Patriot League)成员之一。

該校冰球校歷史悠久,屬於「冰球東部協會」(Hockey East Association);並參與「北美十三州體育協會」(Colonial Athletic Association)及「東部大學體育聯盟」(Eastern College Athletic Conference)等約十種男女室內外體育競賽,包括足球、壘球、曲棍球、賽艇、戶外賽跑、游泳等。該校籃球隊與其他八所位於新英格蘭地區、紐約州及馬里蘭州的大學共同屬於「美東聯盟」(America East Conference)。正式參與競賽等級均屬美國「全國大學體育協會」第一級(Division I)。[5]


校隊主色是猩紅色,暱稱為「㹴犬」(Terriers),吉祥物名喚「瑞德」(Rhett),是條項圈帶刺、叉手咧嘴的小獵犬。「瑞德」命名的靈感,來自美國1930年代暢銷小說《飄》中的經典名句:「世上再沒人比瑞德更愛思嘉了。」(No one loves Scarlet more than Rhett)。書中女主角郝思嘉(Scarlet O'Hara)的名字,恰與猩紅色英文同字;而「瑞德」即源自男主角白瑞德(Rhett Butler)的名字。[6]




  • 馬丁·路德·金恩博士(1929-1968):牧師、神學家、美國黑人民權運動領袖、諾貝爾和平獎得主。


  • Tom Fiedler (MS COM 1971), Executive Editor, Miami Herald, 1991 普利策獎

  • Ethan Forman, 2003 普利策獎 winner

  • Daniel Goodrich (COM 1975), Photographer, Newsday, 1997 普利策獎

  • Stan Grossfeld (MS COM 1980), Associate Editor, Boston Globe, 1984 普利策獎

  • Joseph Hallinan (BS COM 1984), Reporter, Wall Street Journal, 1991 普利策獎

  • Kenneth Irby 1992, 1993, and 1995 普利策獎

  • Stephen Kurkjian (BA COM 1966), Senior Metro Editor, Boston Globe, 1972, 1980和2003 普利策獎

  • Jhumpa Lahiri (MA GRS 1993, MA UNI 1995, PhD UNI 1997), 2000 普利策獎

  • Justin Lane, Freelance Photographer, 2002 普利策獎

  • Patricia Maldonado, former Staff Writer, Miami Herald, 1999 普利策獎

  • Gerald O'Neil, former Reporter, Boston Globe, 1972 普利策獎

  • Michael Rezendes, Reporter, Boston Globe, 2003 普利策獎

  • Sacha Pfeiffer, Reporter, Boston Globe, 2003 普利策獎

  • James Savage, Retired Associate Editor, Miami Herald, 1987 and 1993 news staff 普利策獎

  • William Sherman, Reporter, New York Daily News, 普利策獎, 艾美獎 and 皮博迪獎 winner

  • Mark Thompson (BS COM 1975), Senior Correspondent, Time Magazine, 1985 普利策獎

  • Don Van Natta, Jr. (BS COM 1986), Correspondent, New York Times, 1993, 1999, and 2002 普利策獎

  • Joan Vennochi, Columnist, Boston Globe, 1980 普利策獎

  • Helen Ubinas (BS COM 1994), Columnist, Hartford Courant, 1999 普利策獎

  • Susan Walsh (BS COM 1987), Staff Photographer, Associated Press, 1999 普利策獎

  • Meredith Warren, 2003 普利策獎


  • Elissa Altman, food writer, The Huffington Post, restaurant critic, Hartford Courant

  • Mike Barnicle, Journalist, Radio Host

  • Peter Botte, (SMG 1990 BSB) Sportswriter, New York Daily News, The Hockey News.

  • Liz Cho, WABC-TV News Anchor

  • Christine Chubbuck, television reporter who committed suicide on live television in 1974

  • Elizabeth Cohen, CNN medical correspondent

  • Joe Concannon, (deceased), Sports writer, Boston Globe

  • Fabien Cousteau, (BS '91), Aquatic filmmaker, grandson of Jacques Cousteau

  • David Doubilet (COM 1970 BS), underwater photographer, National Geographic

  • Mark Feinsand, (COM 1996 BS)Sportswriter, New York Daily News.

  • Tyler Hicks, photographer, 《纽约时报》

  • Erica Hill, anchor, CNN Headline News

  • Jeremy Hobson, reporter, Marketplace

  • Yunghi Kim, Pulitzer Prize nominated photographer

  • Michele LaFountain, Anchor, ESPN SportsCenter en espanól

  • Peter T. Maiale, 获「有色人种促进协会形象奖」

  • Albert Maysles, Emmy Award winning documentary filmmaker

  • Kevin Merida, Associate Editor, 《华盛顿邮报》

  • Carl Mydans, (CBA BS 1930), Photographic journalist with Life Magazine from 1936 into the 1950s

  • Joseph Nocera, columnist, 《纽约时报》

  • Bill O'Reilly, (MS '75), Radio & Television personality

  • Melanie Page, Former CNBC employee

  • Anthony Radziwill, NBC anchor and reporter

  • Jay Severin, commentator, politico

  • Casey Sherman, Bestselling author of A Rose for Mary, Black Irish & The Finest Hours

  • Bill Simmons, (COM 1993 MS) Podcaster, Writer for ESPN's Page2

  • Howard Stern (CGS 1974 NDP, SPC 1976 BS), shock jock, radio personality, "King of Sirius XM Radio"

  • Sharon Tay, host, MSNBC

  • Anthony Tommasini, Chief Music Critic, 《纽约时报》

  • Nina Totenberg, (COM 1965) correspondent for National Public Radio

  • Gary Tuchman, (COM 1982 BS) reporter, CNN

  • Dana Tyler, Emmy Award winning news anchor

  • Linda Vester, host, Fox News Channel


  • William Cohen:政治家、作家;前美國國防部長(第53屆柯林頓政府)、前美國參議院議員(緬因州-共和黨)、前美國眾議院議員。

  • Gary Locke 駱家輝: 美國駐中國大使、前美國商業部長、前華盛頓州州長。

  • James Howard McGrath:政治家;前美國總檢察長(第41屆杜魯門政府)、前美國參議院議員(羅德島州-民主黨)、前羅德島州州長。


  • Lincoln Almond, (JD 1961), former Governor of Rhode Island

  • John Lewis Bates (CLA A.B. 1882, LAW LL. B. 1885), former Governor of Massachusetts.

  • Albert O. Brown, (LL.B. 1884), former Governor of New Hampshire

  • Fred H. Brown, (attended LAW 1904/06, no degree), former Governor of New Hampshire, former U.S. Congressman

  • Paul Dever, (JD 1926), former Governor of Massachusetts

  • Samuel D. Felker, (LL.B. 1887), former Governor of New Hampshire

  • Judd Gregg, (JD), U.S. Senator, former Governor of New Hampshire

  • Bob McDonnell, (M.S.B.A. 1980), elect-Governor of Virginia

  • Gary Locke (JD 1975), former Governor of Washington

  • J. Howard McGrath, (JD 1929), former U.S. Senator, former Governor of Rhode Island

  • William Russell, (LL.B. 1879), former Governor of Massachusetts.

  • David I. Walsh, (LL.B. 1897), former U.S. Senator, former Governor of Massachusetts


  • Joseph E. Casey, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • Antonio Colorado, (BS 1962) Resident Commissioner in US Congress from Puerto Rico

  • Paul Cronin, former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • John Crosby, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • Emilio Q. Daddario, (law), former U.S. Congressman (CT)

  • Norman D'Amours, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (NH)

  • Louise Day Hicks, former U.S. Congresswoman (MA)

  • Brian J. Donnelly, (BS 1970), former U.S. Congressman (MA), former US Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago,

  • Charles Douglas III, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (NH)

  • Forrest Goodwin, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (ME)

  • Daniel Granger, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (RI)

  • Arthur Daniel Healey, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA), and U.S. federal judge

  • John Patrick Higgins, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • Joe Hoeffel, (BS ), former U.S. Congressman (PA)

  • Barbara Jordan, (JD), former U.S. Congresswoman (TX)

  • Charles Joyce, (Newbury Seminary, pre-1850), former U.S. Congressman (VT)

  • Ambrose Kennedy, (JB LAW 1906), former U.S. Congressman (RI)

  • James Maloney, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (CT)

  • Jim Marshall, (JD), U.S. Congressman (GA)

  • Connie Morella, former U.S. Congresswoman (MD), former Maryland State Senator

  • Frank Morse, former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • Henry Naphen, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • Jeremiah O'Connell, former U.S. Congressman (RI)

  • Ernest W. Roberts, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • Ferdinand St. Germain, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (RI)

  • Charles Sprague, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • Robert Stafford, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (VT)

  • Walter Stiness, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (RI)

  • John Sullivan, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • Joseph Walsh, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)

  • Edward Wason, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (NH)

  • George Williams, (JD), former U.S. Congressman (MA)


  • Keith B. Alexander, (MBA), Director, National Security Agency

  • Armand Arabian, Retired Justice, California Supreme Court

  • Jennifer M. Callahan, (B.A., B.S.), member of the Mass. House of Representatives (served 2002 - present)

  • Michael Carleton, CIO, United States Department of Health and Human Services

  • Paul C. Casey, (MBA 1998), member of the Mass. House of Representatives (served 1989 - present)

  • Martha Coakley, (JD), Massachusetts Attorney General

  • William Cohen, (JD), former U.S. Secretary of Defense, former U.S. Senator, former U.S. Congressman

  • Ned DeWire, (M.Div), former General Secretary, United Methodist Church

  • Joshua DuBois, (BA 2003), Head of the Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships under President Barack Obama.

  • Michael F. Flaherty, (JD), President, Boston City Council

  • Martha Fuller-Clark, (MA), New Hampshire State Senator

  • James Franklin Jeffrey, (MBA), Ambassador, U.S. Department of State

  • Elizabeth Meyer Glaser (SED 1970), child advocate, AIDS activits and co-founder of the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

  • Colleen Graffy, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of State (P.R.)

  • Elizabeth Jones, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of State

  • Takeo Kikuchi (LLB LAW 1877), one of the first Japanese to study law in the US, founder and second president of Tokyo’s Chuo University

  • Rikki Klieman (JD LAW 1975), attorney, TV personality, Court TV

  • Zsolt Limperger, Hungarian football player

  • Ida Lorentzen, American born Norwegian Artist

  • Joan M. Menard, Massachusetts State Senator

  • Markos Moulitsas Zúniga (JD), political consultant

  • David Mulford (MA GRS 1962), U.S. Ambassador to India

  • Shannon O'Brien, (JD), former Massachusetts State Treasurer

  • Barbara Pariente, (COM '70) Chief Justice, Florida Supreme Court (Authored the Terri Schiavo decision)

  • Mark Regev, (MS MET 1998), spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister

  • Elizabeth Rhodes, (MBA), Rhode Island State Senator

  • Lelia Robinson (Mrs. Sawtelle), (LL.B LAW 1881), first woman admitted to Massachusetts state bar

  • Anna Howard Shaw (STH 1878, MED 1886) President, Nat'l Women's Suffrage Assn (1904-1915), first woman awarded Distinguished Service Medal

  • Cynthia Stone-Creem, Massachusetts State Senator

  • Louis Wade Sullivan, (MED), former Secretary, Health and Human Services

  • Martha Ware, Massachusetts jurist and politician

  • Sumner Whittier, former Lt. Governor of Massachusetts

  • Frank J. Williams, Chief Justice, Rhode Island Superior Court


  • Faisal al-Fayez (CAS MA) former Prime Minister of Jordan

  • Oscar Arias, (attended, no degree) President, Costa Rica; 1987 Nobel Peace Prize

  • Milind Deora, (SMG BSBA '99) member of India's Parliament

  • Keiko Fujimori, (SMG BSB 1997) member of Peru's Congress, former first lady of Peru

  • Neva Rockefeller Goodwin, (GRS PhD 1988) Philanthropist

  • Don Gorton (CAS B.A. 1982), Commissioner, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. (STH PhD 1955), 1964 Nobel Peace Prize; Civil Rights Leader

  • Benjamin LaGuer, (MET B.L.S. magna cum laude, 1997) Massachusetts inmate who fought a conviction for more than two decades

  • Margaret Ng, (STH PhD) member of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council

  • Hiroshige Seko, (COM MS 1992) Public Relations Advisor in the Cabinet of Japan

  • Gigi Tsereteli, (SPH 2005) Parliament, Georgia

  • 丁守中, 中华民国前立法院委员


  • J Allard, Vice President, Microsoft

  • Supachai Chearavanont, (BSB 1989 SMG), CEO & President, True Corporation (Thailand)

  • Nathaniel Baker, CEO, Domestic Bank

  • Norman Barron, Founder, Marshalls Department Stores

  • Kirk Bauer, (JD), Executive Director, Disabled Sports USA; Former Member, President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

  • Brian Bedol, (COM BA 1980), Founder, Fusient Media Ventures, Creator, Classic Sports Network (which became ESPN Classic), Founder and CEO, CSTV

  • Jack Belsito, (BSBA 1982), President, Snapple Distributing Co.

  • Alessandro Benetton (SMG BSB 1988) Chairman of 21 Investimenti S.p. A, and Deuty Chairman of Benetton Group

  • John K. Billock, (MBA 1975), Vice Chairman and COO, Time Warner Cable

  • Chutinant Bhirom Bhakdi, Board of Directors, Boon Rawd Brewery(Singha Beer)

  • Gina R. Boswell, Sr. Vice President and COO, Avon Products

  • Ellen Bovarnick, Vice President, Coca-Cola

  • David Brand, (BS 1983) Head, Global Technology M&A, Lehman Brothers

  • Janice Brandt, Vice Chair, America Online

  • Shin Yong-Il, (MBA), CEO, Deutsche Asset Management

  • Michael Bronner, (BSBA 1982), Founder & Chairman, Upromise, Digitas

  • Fred Bronstein, President, Dallas Symphony Orchestra

  • Richard Cahill, President & CEO, Conway Realty

  • Jay Cashman, CEO, Jay Cashman, Inc., Boston-area construction mogul

  • David K. Colapinto, Esquire, partner, Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, Washington, D.C.

  • Ken Danieli, Brand Strategist and Principal, Danieli Consulting, LLC, Pepsi Stuff creator

  • Allison Davis, Vice President, CBS Television

  • David Dinerstein, Founder, Paramount Classics

  • Mickey Drexler, (MBA 1968), Chairman & CEO, J. Crew

  • Trung Dung, software billionaire business executive, founder of Fogbreak Software and On Display

  • David Edgerton, co-founder of Burger King

  • Susan Evans, Co-Founder, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

  • Ahmass Fakahany, Executive Vice President and CFO, Merrill Lynch

  • Kenneth Feld (SMG 1970 BSB), CEO, Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus

  • Sidney Feltenstein, (BA 1962), CEO, A&W and Long John Silvers restaurants

  • Bill Fine, President & General Manager, WCVB-TV Boston

  • Paul Fireman, founder, Reebok

  • Jerald G. Fishman, (MBA), CEO, Analog Devices

  • Michael Fricklas, (JD), Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Viacom

  • Samuel P. Fried, (JD), Senior Vice President, Secretary & General Counsel, Limited Brands

  • Arlen W. Gelbard, (JD) Chief Banking Officer and President, E*TRADE Bank

  • Richard Gladstein, Founder, Film Colony

  • Shelly Glick Gryfe, (BS, Psychology, '75) VP of Marketing Research, Fisher Price

  • Bonnie Hammer, President, Sci-Fi Channel

  • Ted Harbert, President, E! Networks

  • Edgar J. Helms, founder of Goodwill Industries

  • Jeanette Horan, (EMBA 1993), Vice President, IBM

  • John P. Howe, III, President & CEO, Project HOPE (USA)

  • Frederick Huntsberry, (CGS non-degree prog 1982, BSB SMG 1984) Chief Operating Officer, Paramount Pictures

  • Ishrat Husain (PhD) 13th Governor of State Bank of Pakistan

  • Paul Irwin, former CEO, The Humane Society of the United States

  • Shel Israel (COM, no degree) Author, Entrepreneur and Consultant

  • Toshimasa Iue, (MBA 1989), President & COO, Sanyo

  • Bruce Karatz, (BA 1967), CEO, KB Home

  • Damian Kozlowski, (MS), CEO, Citigroup Global Wealth Management

  • Paul LaCamera, (MS), former President & General Manager, WCVB-TV Boston

  • Louis Lataif, former President, Ford Motor Company Europe; Dean, Boston University School of Management

  • Michael Tze Hau Lee, (SMG MBA 1986), Managing Director Hysan Development Company Limited

  • David Lubars, Chief Creative Officer, BBDO

  • Christian F. Martin, CEO, C.F. Martin & Company

  • Jessica McClintock, (BA 1950), Founder, President, CEO, Jessica McClintock, Inc.

  • James McLamore, co-founder of Burger King

  • Edward Mehlman, (DDS), Vice President, American Dental Association

  • Dirk Meyer, (MBA 1993) President & COO, Advanced Micro Devices, ACM Maurice Wilkes Award winner for contributions to Alpha and x86 chip designs

  • Mitchell Modell, CEO, Modell's Sporting Goods

  • Peter J. Moran, (CLA 1986), Co-Founder of ThinkBusiness magazine

  • Ellen Parker, Executive Director, Project Bread

  • Christine Poon, (MBA 1983), Vice Chairman, Johnson & Johnson

  • Craig S. Prusher, (BA 1985, JD 1988), Vice President, Asst. General Counsel, Burger King Corporation

  • Richard D. Reidy, (BS 1982), President, Chief Executive Officer, Progress Software

  • Shari Redstone, (JD), Vice Chair, Viacom and CBS

  • Michael I. Roth, (JD), Interpublic Group

  • Jay Rowe, Sr. Vice President, HBO Films

  • Monty Sarhan, CEO, Cracked Entertainment

  • J. Michael Schell, (JD), Vice Chairman, Global Banking, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.

  • Neil Schubert, (BA 1985), Senior Vice President, Lifetime Television

  • John F. Smith, Jr. MBA 1965, Honorary Degree 1993, former Chairman and CEO of General Motors

  • Patrick Spain (LAW JD 1979), founder of Hoover's and HighBeam Research

  • Fonda Snyder, Founder, Starbright Foundation

  • Margaret Stumpp, Senior Vice President, Prudential Financial

  • Nina Tassler, President, CBS Entertainment

  • Bruce Taub, (MBA 1973), Executive Vice President & CFO, CBS Television

  • Gerald Tsai, Jr., (CAS, GRS 1949), Chairman, Tsai Management, Inc.

  • Margaret Wallace, (BS 1989), CEO, Co-Founder, Rebel Monkey

  • David Weinstein, (BA 1972), Chief, Administration & Government Affairs, Fidelity Investments

  • Joseph Williams, CEO, Hibernia Southcoast Capital Corp.

  • Stuart Zakim, (BA 1976, MA 1978), Vice President, Showtime Network

  • Edward Zander, (MBA 1975), Chairman & CEO, Motorola, former President Sun Microsystems

  • Jason Strauss, CEO of the Strategic Group


  • Gleason Archer, Sr. (BA 1904, JD 1906), founder of Suffolk University and Suffolk University Law School

  • John S. Bailey, (BSBA '51) Chancellor, American College of Greece

  • Gail Carney, Dean, Lesley College

  • Robert A. Chernak, (BSBA '68) Senior VP, Student and Academic Support Services, George Washington University

  • Patricia Cormier (B.A.), President, Longwood University

  • Charles Wesley Emerson, (School of Oratory, 1877) Founder, Emerson College

  • Mary Jane England, President, Regis College

  • Nancy Harrington, President, Salem State College, Massachusetts

  • Ruth Linn, Dean, Haifa University, Israel

  • Dana Mohler-Faria, President, Bridgewater State College

  • Janice Stecchi, Dean, University of Massachusetts Lowell

  • Thomas Tritton, President, Haverford College

  • Diana Chapman Walsh (M.S., PhD), President, Wellesley College


  • Anthony Bruno, (CAS 1974 BA), Novelist

  • Percy Jewett Burrell, (pre-1900 B.O., School of Oratory) American dramatist

  • Hal Clement, (SED 1946 M.Ed), science fiction writer

  • Nicholas Gage (DGE 1961, COM BS 1963, HON LtD 1985), Author, "Eleni", "A Place For Us", "Greek Fire"

  • Peter Guralnick,(1971 MA), author focused on twentieth-century American popular music

  • Younghill Kang, author, Guggenheim Fellow

  • William Ellery Leonard (1899) Poet

  • Susan Miller, (SSW 1979 MSS), author

  • Stewart O'Nan, (ENG 1983 BS), author

  • Robert B. Parker, (GRS 1957 MA, 1971 PhD), author, "Spencer for Hire" and other mystery novels

  • Norman Vincent Peale, (STh) Minister, author

  • John Perkins, (SMG 1968 BSB), economist, author

  • 金·史丹利·羅賓遜, (GRS 1975 MA) science fiction author

  • Lauren Slater, (SED 1995 EDD [Doctor of Education]) author, psychologist

  • Anne Sexton, Pulitzer Prize winning poet

  • Neal Stephenson, (CLA 1981 BA) science fiction author

  • Dorothy West, author, member of Harlem Renaissance

  • Scott Whitaker, poet


  • PSY, South Korean singer (ranked number 10 in best entertainers in Korea)

  • Samuel Adler, composer

  • Sylvia Alimena, (CFA 1981), French Horn, National Symphony Orchestra, Conductor, Eclipse Chamber Orchestra

  • Jason Alexander (attended SFA 3 years, Hon. 1995), 托尼獎 winning actor and Seinfeld character George Costanza

  • Fred Allen (attended Summer Session), entertainer

  • Ian Bavitz (Aesop Rock), musician

  • Joan Baez (CFA 1962 no degree), folk singer

  • Abhishek Bachchan (CAS 1997, no degree) Award-winning Indian actor - husband of actress Aishwarya Rai

  • Edwin Barker, Principal Double Bass, 波士顿交响乐团

  • Craig Bierko, (BA), Actor

  • James Billings (CFA 1957 MM), operatic baritone, opera librettist, and opera director

  • Ed Bishop, (Deceased) Actor, 傅爾布萊特計畫

  • Nicole Blackman, artist, poet, author, vocalist, Goth icon

  • Calvin Burnett, (MFA 1960) artist

  • Jensen Buchanan, 艾美奖 nominated actress

  • John Cazale, Golden Globe Award nominated actor, best known for role as "Fredo" in The Godfather

  • Michael Chiklis, 艾美奖和金球奖 winning actor

  • Valerie Coleman, (SFA '95) Composer, Founder of Grammy-nominated chamber ensemble Imani Winds

  • Christopher Cousins, Actor - Dozens of TV roles

  • Alexis Cruz, actor

  • Geena Davis, (SFA 1979) 奥斯卡金像奖 winning actress

  • David de Berry, theater composer, actor

  • Ron Della Chiesa, (BA 1959) radio personality

  • Emily Deschanel, actress, sister of Zooey Deschanel

  • Rocco DiSpirito, Chef, restaurateur, television personality The Restaurant

  • Aubrey Dollar, (no degree) actress

  • Olympia Dukakis (SAR BS 1953, SFA MFA 1957), 奥斯卡金像奖 winning actress

  • Bill Duke, actor,

  • Faye Dunaway, 奥斯卡金像奖 winning actress

  • 鄧梓峰 (SMG BSB 1985), 香港演員及電視主持人

  • Don Ellis, Trumpeter and jazz composer

  • Charles Farrell (SMG 1928 no degree) Film & TV Actor, mayor of Palm Springs, Ca., with two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

  • Bruce Feirstein, Screenwriter (3 James Bond movies), and author "Real Men Don't Eat Quiche"

  • Peter Filardi, Hollywood screenwriter

  • Jason Filardi, Hollywood screenwriter

  • Greg Fitzsimmons, comedian

  • Connie Fletcher, actress

  • Dan Fogler, actor

  • Alexandra Fol, composer

  • Justine Susanna Gamache (SFA BFA 1994, MFA 1999), Lead Singer, Freezepop

  • Nina Garcia, Fashion Director of Elle Magazine, Judge for Project Runway

  • David Garrison, (BFA), Tony award nominated actor, Al Bundy's Neighbor on Married with Children

  • Paul Michael Glaser, actor (Starsky!)

  • Richard N. Gladstein (CGS non-degree program 1981, COM BS 1983), 奧斯卡 nominated film producer

  • Elon Gold, comedian

  • Ginnifer Goodwin, actress

  • Norman Greenbaum, musician, "Spirit in the Sky"

  • Mariel Hemingway, 奥斯卡金像奖 nominated actress, granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway

  • Dorian Ho (SMG), fashion designer from Hong Kong

  • Michelle Hurd, actress

  • Eugene Izotov, Principal Oboe of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

  • Jamie Kaler (CAS BA 1987), actor, "My Boys"

  • Yunjin Kim, actress, LOST, "The Korean Julia Roberts"

  • Andrew Kriesberg, writer, The Simpsons

  • David E. Kelley, (JD), television producer, husband of Michelle Pfeiffer, His father, Jack Kelley, coached BU Hockey

  • Paula Kelley, singer

  • Jeff Kline, Producer, various children's television shows

  • Dominique LaBelle, opera singer

  • Vincent Larusso, (BSB 2000 SMG), actor The Mighty Ducks films

  • James Kyson Lee, actor 英雄

  • Erica Leerhsen, (BFA '98), Actress

  • Noah Lennox, experimental musician and founding member of the Animal Collective

  • Will Lyman, (SFA '71), Narrator, PBS Frontline

  • Yan Luo (screenwriter), actress

  • Elizabeth (Sadie) Holloway Marston, co-creator of the comic book character, Wonder Woman

  • Rob Mariano (CAS BA 1999), better known as Boston Rob, an American reality TV star and husband of Amber Brkich

  • Joshua Marvit, (writing under pseudonym Milt Pupique), creator of acrosticdoublespeak

  • Megan McCormick, television travel host

  • David Metzler, television producer

  • Tom Magliozzi, (MBA, PhD) co-host of Car Talk

  • Ikuko Mizuno-Spire, violinist, 波士顿交响乐团

  • Julianne Moore, 奧斯卡 nominated and 艾美獎 winning actress

  • Russell Morash, (BA '57), Emmy Award winning producer, This Old House, New Yankee Workshop, The Victory Garden

  • Kevin O'Connor, (GSM MBA '99) host of This Old House

  • Rosie O'Donnell (dropout), actress, comedian

  • Linda Park, actress

  • Peter Paige, actor

  • Ethan Phillips, actor

  • Paula Plum, actress, director, playwright

  • Paul Rachman, (CAS BA '82), Film Director American Hardcore, co-founder Slamdance FIlm Festival

  • Kim Raver, (BFA) actress, (Audrey Raines from 24)

  • Paul Reubens (dropout), actor.

  • Scott Rosenberg, Hollywood screenwriter

  • Jeffrey Ross, actor, comedian

  • Steven Rosenhaus, (COM '97), writer, assistant director

  • Patti Rothberg, (no degree awarded), singer, songwriter

  • Anthony Ruivivar, actor

  • Harold Russell, 奥斯卡金像奖 winning actor, former National Commander of AMVETS

  • Sarah Saltzberg, actress

  • Erik Scott, singer

  • Robert Shampain, (CFA 1980) actor; Coordinator, Boston University in Los Angeles Internship Program

  • Richard Sher (producer), radio and television producer

  • Lan Shui, Music Director, 新加坡交響樂團

  • Matt Squire, (CAS 1999), Platinum Music Producer

  • Eric Stein, castmember on Big Brother 8

  • Howard Stern, (CGS non degree program 1974, COM BS 1976), radio host and self-declared "King of All Media"

  • Ryan Sypek, actor

  • Mary Timony, indie rocker

  • Marisa Tomei (attended CFA 1983, Hon. DFA 2002), 奧斯卡 winning actress

  • Armand Van Helden, DJ

  • Joan Wasser, indie rocker

  • Michaela Watkins, actress, 週末夜現場

  • Cynthia Watros, 艾美奖 winning actress

  • Ashley Williams, (BA '01) actress, Associated Press 'It Girl', 2003

  • Michael Williams, 奥斯卡金像奖 winning producer

  • Alfre Woodard, 艾美奖 winning and 奥斯卡金像奖 nominated actress

  • David Weinberg, American vocalist, The Suicide File


  • Carl Adams, current wrestling coach; 3-time NCAA All-American, 2-time National Champion @ 158 lb.

  • Harry Agganis, professional baseball player

  • Tony Amonte, NHL hockey player

  • Shawn Bates, NHL hockey player

  • Raja Bell (transferred to Florida International University), NBA basketball player

  • Rocco Benetton former chief executive of the Benetton Formula One team.

  • Cindy Blodgett, Former WNBA Player, Assistant Basketball Coach

  • Billy Brooks, NFL's Buffalo Bills '93-'95

  • Tom Burke, (Law LL.B. 1897) 奧運會冠軍

  • Butch Byrd, Professional Football Standout

  • Mickey Cochrane, Hall of Fame Baseball player

  • Jim Craig, 1980年美國奧運會冰球隊

  • Jochen Dieckfoss, 4-time America East cross-country champion

  • Rick DiPietro, NHL hockey player

  • Andy Dorman, 美國職業足球大聯盟運動員

  • Chris Drury, NHL hockey player, Hobey Baker Award winner

  • Tom Dwan, Professional Poker Player

  • Michael Emenalo (CAS BA 1989), member of 尼日利亞's 1994 World Cup soccer team

  • Mike Eruzione, Captain, 1980年美國奧運會冰球隊

  • Dick Farley, College Football Hall of Fame coach

  • Foge Fazio, NCAA football Coach, NFL football coach

  • Michael Felger, sports writer for the Boston Herald and sports radio talk show host

  • Mike Grier, NHL hockey player

  • Cornella Harrington Sanders, Olympic speed skater

  • Bill Herrion, NCAA basketball coach

  • Karl Hobbs, NCAA basketball coach

  • Rick Hoyt, inspirational triathlete

  • Mike Jarvis, NCAA Basketball Coach

  • Jim "Crash" Jensen, Former NFL football player

  • Adam Kagin, Professional Poker Player

  • Robyn Kenney, Team USA Field Hockey

  • Jeffrey Lurie, ex-owner, Philadelphia Eagles, ex-professor, BU

  • Shawn McEachern, NHL hockey player

  • Stephanie McMahon, WWE current Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, Live Events and Creative Writing

  • Shane McMahon, WWE current Executive Vice President of Global Media

  • Freddy Meyer, NHL hockey player

  • Jack O'Callahan, 1980年美國奧運會冰球隊

  • Jay Pandolfo, NHL hockey player

  • Jack Parker, legendary Boston University hockey coach

  • Gary Plummer, NBA player

  • Rick Pitino, NCAA & NBA Basketball Coach

  • Tom Poti, NHL hockey player

  • Ed Ronan, NHL hockey player

  • Dave Silk, 1980年美國奧運會冰球隊

  • Mike Sullivan (hockey), NHL Hockey Player, NHL Coach

  • John Thomas (athlete), High Jump World Record Holder

  • Keith Tkachuk, NHL hockey player

  • Ryan Whitney, NHL hockey player

  • Scott Young, retired NHL player


  • Francis Lee Bailey, (JD '60) (A.K.A. F. Lee Bailey), Renowned lawyer, Graduated first in class

  • Bernard Berenson (attended CLA 1883-84, no degree) prominent Art Historian of the early 20th Century

  • Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, wife of John F. Kennedy, Jr.. Killed in an airplane crash on July 16, 1999.

  • James Richard Cocke, M.D. (1863–1900), American physician, homeopath, and a pioneer hypnotherapist (the first blind medical graduate)

  • Warren A. Cole, founder of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, which is one of the largest social fraternities in the United States

  • Paul R. Devlin, Supreme Advocate, Knights of Columbus

  • Tipper Gore, Former 2nd Lady of the United States

  • Larry Graham, (JD '70), President, National Confectioners Association

  • Jeffrey Guterman, Mental health counselor and counselor educator

  • Karen Kwan, skater

  • Joyce Jillson, astrologer, 20th Century Fox Studios, Reagan Administration

  • Hadassah Lieberman, wife of U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman

  • Claudia Nugent, granddaughter of President Lyndon Johnson

  • Jeff Roberts, (CFA '99), 傅爾布萊特計畫 - Traditional Chinese Music

  • Mark Rosewater, Magic: The Gathering Head Designer

  • Travis Roy, (COM 2000) a leading activitist for spinal cord injury survivors and founder of The Travis Roy Foundation

  • Dawn Steel (deceased)(did not graduate), first woman to run a major hollywood studio

  • Steven H. Untracht, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S., (CAS BA '75), member of 1999 Nobel Peace Prize winner Doctors Without Borders.

  • Helen Magill White, first woman to earn a Ph.D.


  1. ^ Boston University FACT SHEET 2012/2013 (PDF). One Silber Way, Boston, MA 02215: Boston University Office of Institutional Research. 2013-06-16 [2013-08-03]. End‐of‐Semester Enrollment, 2012/2013 Instructional and Research Faculty 2011/2012* 

  2. ^ Boston University Information Center – Quick Facts. [2009-11-22]. 

  3. ^ Boston University Brand Identity Standards – Master Logo Colors – Boston University Red. [2009-11-22]. 

  4. ^ 《美國新聞與世界報導》「世界最佳大學」排名網頁

  5. ^ 波士頓大學官方體育及學生活動介紹網站

  6. ^ 波士頓大學官方體育網站常見問答網頁 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2009-03-07.


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