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Odanak First Nation (Abenaki).gifOuje Bougounou Cree.jpg
Flag of Haida.svgFlag of Eel Ground First Nation.svg
Bandera innu.PNGTemagama Ojibwa.png
Kawawachikamach Band of the Naskapi Nation.jpgBandera Red Earth Cree.PNG
Bandera Nis'ga Nation.pngBandera Sechelt.png
Flag of the Iroquois Confederacy.svgMikmaq State Flag.svg





第一民族英语:First Nations,法语:Premières nations),是數個加拿大境內民族的通稱,法定與印地安人同義,指的是在現今加拿大境內的北美洲原住民及其子孫,但是不包括因纽特人和梅蒂人。在加拿大,原住民的全國性組織是第一民族議會(英语:Assembly of First Nations,法语:Assemblée des premières nations)。


  • 1 辭源

  • 2 文化

  • 3 政府

  • 4 問題

    • 4.1 糖尿病

  • 5 参考文献

  • 6 外部連結


加拿大原住民由“第一民族”(First Nations)、“因紐特人”(Inuit)、[2]和“梅蒂人”(Métis)[3]組成。[4][5] “First Nations”一詞在1970、80年代起被廣泛使用,取代了原先所用的“Indian band”。[6] 索爾·桑德斯(Elder Sol Sanderson)宣稱在1980年代初期創造了這個詞。[7] 有些人則認為其是出現於1970年代,用以迴避使用有冒犯性的“印地安人”(Indian)。這個詞尚未有具體的法律定義。一些原住民部落也以“First Nation”取代名稱上原來的“band”。[8]

目前“印地安人”(Indian)這詞雖然依然是法律用語,但在加拿大的已漸漸不再使用。[9][10] 而美國政府和其他國家使用的“Native Americans”一詞則不常用於加拿大,[5] 通常只用於稱呼於美國境內的原住民。[11] 同樣,“Native Canadian”一詞也不常見,然而“Natives”和“autochthones”(希臘詞根autochthon,意即土地)卻有被使用。根據1763年王室公告,[12]官方稱呼英屬北美的原住民為「部落」或「民族」。





根據加拿大2006年人口普查,原住民人口數為1,172,790 (3.75%),其中第一民族人口數為698,025(2.23%)。[13]




第一民族的生活並不理想,他們中大多數人的生活條件只能比得上如海地這樣的發展中國家。[15][16] 第一民族的失業率、[17]犯罪率、[18]藥物濫用率[19]比全國平均水平高,受教育率低,貧困程度高,以及胎儿乙醇综合征等健康問題。[20][21][22][23]

其出生時的預期壽命也較低,2001數據估計第一民族男女壽命低於全國平均水平。[24] 與非原住民相比,同性別間的自殺率高出兩倍、同年齡段的自殺率更高出三倍。[25]



第一民族的糖尿病患病率與其他民族相比高得非同尋常,其2型糖尿病患病率可能是由於外部環境、基因以及生物因素(例:节俭表型假设),[27] 不過具體情況還不清楚。[28]


  1. ^ Aboriginal Identity (2006 Census). Statistics Canada. Government of Canada. [2009-10-08]. 

  2. ^ "(ARTICLE 1 – DEFINITION 6)" Inuit Circumpolar Council (Canada) – ICC Charter 请检查|url=值 (帮助). Application Design & Development Indelta Communication. 2007 [2009-10-09]. 

  3. ^ final Written Submissions of Federal Crown In the Kawaskimhon Aboriginal Moot Court (PDF). Factum of the Federal Crown Canada; University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law. 2007 [2009-10-09]. 

  4. ^ The Canadian Atlas Online First Peoples. Canadian Geographic. [2009-10-09]. 

  5. ^ 5.05.1 Terminology. Aboriginal Peoples & Communities. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. 2009-06-03 [2009-10-09]. 

  6. ^ Gibson, Gordon. A New Look at Canadian Indian Policy: Respect the Collective – Promote the Individual. 2009. ISBN 978-0-88975-243-6. 

  7. ^ Assembly of First Nations 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2006-05-23., p. 74.

  8. ^ Terminology 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2012-08-13.. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. Retrieved 12 April 2012.

  9. ^ Words First An Evolving Terminology Relating to Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. Communications Branch of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. 2004 [2010-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2007-11-14). 

  10. ^ Terminology of First Nations, Native, Aboriginal and Métis (PDF). Aboriginal Infant Development Programs of BC. 2009 [2010-06-26]. 

  11. ^ Hill, Liz. National Museum of the American Indian. Smithsonian Institution. 2007 [2009-10-09]. 

  12. ^ Wilson, W.R. The Royal Proclamation of 1763. 2004 [2009-10-09]. 

  13. ^ Aboriginal Identity (8), Sex (3) and Age Groups (12) for the Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census – 20%. Statistics Canada Census: 2006 Census: Data products Topic-based tabulations. Government of Canada. 2008-06-12 [2009-10-09]. 

  14. ^ [John]. The First Nation Governance System: A Brake on Closing the Community Well-being Gap (PDF). Institute on Governance. April 2010 [17 July 2011]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011年6月16日).  请检查|author-link1=值 (帮助)

  15. ^ O'Neil, Peter. A Canadian community compared to Haiti — at minus-40C | Vancouver Sun. Blogs.vancouversun.com. [2013-02-09]. 

  16. ^ Stop the blame game. The Star. 

  17. ^ Natives in Canada suffer from high unemployment – June 14, 2005. Indianz.Com; Noble Savage Media, LLC; Ho-Chunk, Inc. 2000–2005 [2009-10-09]. 

  18. ^ Gorelick, Melissa. Discrimination of Aboriginals on native lands in Canada: a comprehensive crisis – September 2007. UN Chronicle (CBS Interactive Inc.). 2007 [2009-10-09]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-10). 

  19. ^ Health Canada – National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program. Government of Canada. 2006-03-06 [2008-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-06). 

  20. ^ Health Canada -First Nations, Inuit and Aboriginal Health – Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects. Government of Canada. 2007-11-146 [2010-01-22].  请检查|date=中的日期值 (帮助)

  21. ^ Poverty to blame for TB among Aboriginals: experts. CTV News. November 14, 200 [2008-11-14].  请检查|date=中的日期值 (帮助)

  22. ^ Health Canada – Statistical Profile on the Health of First Nations in Canada. Government of Canada. [2009-10-09]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-28). 

  23. ^ Jennissen, Therese. Health issues in rural Canada – B. People of Aboriginal Origin. Political and Social Affairs Division. Government of Canada. December 1992 [2009-10-09]. 

  24. ^ First Nations Comparable Health Indicators. Health Canada First Nations, Inuit & Aboriginal Health Diseases & Health Conditions. Government of Canada. 2007-03-16 [2008-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-12). 

  25. ^ Robinson, B.A. Suicide among Canada's First Nations. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. 2007-01-03 [2009-10-09]. 

  26. ^ Native gangs spreading across Canada, says RCMP. CTV.ca. 2010-03-16 [2010-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-24). 

  27. ^ Pollard, T. M. 2008. Western Diseases: An Evolutionary Perspective. Chapter 4: The thrifty genotype versus thrifty phenotype debate: efforts to explain between population variation in rates of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  28. ^ Dyck R, Osgood N, Lin TH, Gao A, and Stang MR (2010) Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus among First Nations and non-First Nations adults. Canadian Medical Association Journal 182:249-256; published ahead of print January 18, 2010, doi:10.1503/cmaj.090846[永久失效連結]


  • Aboriginal Perspectives[永久失效連結] A National Film Board of Canada website with documentaries on Canada's Aboriginal Peoples, including films by Aboriginal filmmakers.

  • Aboriginal Virtual Exhibits from Canadian Museums

  • Assembly of First Nations

  • The Canadian Museum of Civilization – First Peoples Section

  • First Nations Seeker

  • First Nations News Wire Service

  • A History of Aboriginal Treaties and Relations in Canada

  • 1946 Report: Medical survey of nutrition among the Northern Manitoba Indians

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