
大中華英语:Greater China)是概括的政治、经济和文化概念,此概念目前尚有爭議。部份人士認為此概念包含中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣,另一部份人士認為還包含新加坡、馬來西亞華人地區,更有人認為包含東南亞、美洲、歐洲的海外華人。最早於1930年由美國地理學家葛德石所提出。[1]



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  • 2 爭議

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  • 4 参考文献


英文「大中華」(Greater China)中的「大」字容易存在其它涵義,除可解作「較大」(Greater)之外,亦可解釋為「廣義」、「泛指」之義。此詞可以從經濟、政治及文化三種意義角度來理解,而分別有大中華經濟圈、大中華政治圈及大中華文化圈。隨著治理、政治、文化、媒體等跨域交流及比較日益增加,各學術領域對「大中華」一詞對全球化、區域化等議題的討論增多。[8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]






  1. ^ Harding, Harry. The Concept of 'Greater China': Themes, Variations and Reservations. The China Quarterly. Dec 1993, (136, Special Issue: Greater China): 660. 

  2. ^ Henry Yuhuai He. 中华人民共和国政治文化用语大典. M.E. Sharpe. 2001: 48– [1 December 2012]. ISBN 978-0-7656-0569-6. 

  3. ^ 中國大陸研究. 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心. 1999 [23 January 2013]. 

  4. ^ 鐘啟賓. 搞懂規則,賺遍大陸: WTO下的兩岸經貿. 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司. 2007: 246 [23 January 2013]. ISBN 978-986-6909-97-9. 

  5. ^ 中華戰畧學刊. 中華戰畧學會. 2002 [23 January 2013]. 

  6. ^ 財團法人海峡交流基金會年報. 財團法人海峡交流基金會. 1997 [23 January 2013]. 

  7. ^ Major Contributions (in Chinese)[永久失效連結]

  8. ^ Guo, Sujian; Guo, Baogang. Greater China in an Era of Globalization. Rowman & Littlefield. 2010. ISBN 9780739135341. 

  9. ^ Yang, Kenneth C.C. A comparative study of Internet regulatory policies in the Greater China Region: Emerging regulatory models and issues in China, Hong-Kong SAR, and Taiwan. Telematics and Informatics. 2007-02, 24 (1): 30–40 [2012-11-07]. ISSN 0736-5853. doi:10.1016/j.tele.2005.12.001. 

  10. ^ Berry, Christopher; Chan, Joseph Man. Toward TV Regionalization in Greater China and Beyond. TV China: Institutions, Programming, and Audiences in Greater China and the Chinese Diaspora. (编) Ying Zhu (ed.). TV China. Indiana University Press. 2009-01-28. ISBN 0253220262. 

  11. ^ Sum, Ngai-Ling. Cyber-Capitalism and the Remaking of Greater China. (编) Francoise Mengin (ed.). Cyber China: Reshaping National Identities in the Age of Information First Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2004-11-27: 205–236. ISBN 1403965781.  引文格式1维护:冗余文本 (link)

  12. ^ Mengin, Francoise. The Changing Role of the State in Greater China in the Age of Information. (编) Francoise Mengin (ed.). Cyber China: Reshaping National Identities in the Age of Information 1. New York: Palgrave. 2004-11-27. ISBN 1403965781. 

  13. ^ Lee, C.C. Rethinking political economy: Implications for media and democracy in Greater China. JAVNOST-LJUBLJANA-. 2001, 8 (4): 81–102. 

  14. ^ William A. Callahan. Nationalism, Civilization and Transnational Relations: the discourse of Greater China. [2007-12-14]. 

  15. ^ Hughes, Christopher. Controlling the Internet Architecture Within Greater China. (编) Francoise Mengin (ed.). Cyber China: Reshaping National Identities in the Age of Information. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2004-11-24: 71–90. ISBN 1403965781. 

  16. ^ “大中華經濟圈”勢不可擋 ,華夏經緯網,08/05/2004

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