
约翰·西奥菲勒斯·德札古利埃英语John Theophilus Desaguliers,唯一一个获得过三次科普利奖章的人

科普利獎章英语:Copley Medal)是英國皇家學会每年頒發的科學獎章,以奖励“在任何科学分支上的杰出成就”。始于1731年授予斯蒂芬·格雷英语Stephen Gray (scientist)的科普利獎章是皇家學会仍在颁发的最古老的科学奖章,也可能是世界上最早的科学奖章。


  • 1 历史

  • 2 歷屆得主

    • 2.1 1731-1800

    • 2.2 1801-1850

    • 2.3 1851-1900

    • 2.4 1901-1950

    • 2.5 1951-2000

    • 2.6 2001年至今

  • 3 参见

  • 4 外部連結


獎章起始於戈弗雷·科普利爵士英语Sir Godfrey Copley, 2nd Baronet(Sir Godfrey Copley)在1709年捐贈100英磅作為實驗研究的基金,於1731年開始頒發,也是當時科學界的最高榮譽之一。科普利獎章沒有獲獎次數的限制,有斯蒂芬·格雷英语Stephen Gray (scientist)等多位科学家获得过两次科普利獎章,约翰·西奥菲勒斯·德札古利埃英语John Theophilus Desaguliers是唯一一位获得过三次科普利奖章的科学家。另外,还有多个年份的奖章以不同的获奖理由颁发给两位及以上科学家,其中1766年的科普利奖章颁发给了亨利·卡文迪什等三人。





1731年斯蒂芬·格雷英语Stephen Gray (scientist)Fond blanc.svg"For his new Electrical Experiments: – as an encouragement to him for the readiness he has always shown in obliging the Society with his discoveries and improvements in this part of Natural Knowledge"[1]
1732年斯蒂芬·格雷英语Stephen Gray (scientist)Fond blanc.svg"For the Experiments he made for the year 1732"[1]
1734年约翰·西奥菲勒斯·德札古利埃英语John Theophilus DesaguliersJohn Theophilus Desaguliers.jpg"In consideration of his several Experiments performed before the Society"[2]
1736年约翰·西奥菲勒斯·德札古利埃英语John Theophilus DesaguliersJohn Theophilus Desaguliers.jpg"For his experiments made during the year"[2]
1737年约翰·贝尔希耶英语John BelchierBelchier John 1706-1785.png"For his Experiment to show the property of a Diet of Madder Root in dyeing the Bones of living animals of a red colour"[3]
1738年詹姆斯·瓦卢英语James ValoueFond blanc.svg"For his invention of an Engine for driving the Piles to make a Foundation for the Bridge to be erected at Westminster, the Model whereof had been shown to the Society"
1739年史蒂芬·黑尔斯英语Stephen HalesStephen Hales.jpg"For his Experiments towards the Discovery of Medicines for dissolving the Stone; and Preservatives for keeping Meat in long voyages at Sea"[4]
1740年亚历山大·斯图尔特英语Alexander Stuart (scientist)Fond blanc.svg"For his Lectures on Muscular Motion. As a further addition for his services to the Society in the care and pains he has taken therein"[5]
1741年约翰·西奥菲勒斯·德札古利埃英语John Theophilus DesaguliersJohn Theophilus Desaguliers.jpg"For his Experiments towards the discovery of the properties of Electricity. As an addition to his allowance (as Curator) for the present year."[2]
1742年克里斯托弗·米德尔顿英语Christopher Middleton (navigator)Fond blanc.svg"For the communication of his Observations in the attempt of discovering a North-West passage to the East Indies through Hudsons Bay"[6]
1743年亚伯拉罕·特朗布雷英语Abraham TrembleyAbraham Trembley.jpg"For his Experiments on the Polypus"
1744年亨利·贝克英语Henry Baker (naturalist)HenryBaker16981774.jpg"For his curious Experiments relating to the Crystallization or Configuration of the minute particles of Saline Bodies dissolved in a menstruum"[7]
1745年威廉·沃森William Watson.jpg"On account of the surprising discoveries in the phenomena of Electricity, exhibited in his late Experiments"[8]
1746年本杰明·罗宾斯英语Benjamin RobinsFond blanc.svg"On account of his curious Experiments for showing the resistance of the Air, and his rules for establishing his doctrine thereon for the motion of Projectiles"[9]
1747年戈温·奈特英语Gowin KnightGowin Knight from Science & Society 10198868.jpg"On account of several very curious Experiments exhibited by him, both with Natural and Artificial Magnets"[10]
1748年詹姆斯·布拉德雷James Bradley by Thomas Hudson.jpg"On account of his very curious and wonderful discoveries in the apparent motion of the Fixed Stars, and the causes of such apparent motion"[11]
1749年约翰·哈里森John Harrison Uhrmacher.jpg"On account of those very curious Instruments, invented and made by him, for the exact mensuration of Time"[12]
1750年乔治·爱德华兹英语George Edwards (naturalist)Edwards George 1693 1773.jpg"On account of a very curious Book lately published by him, and intiyled, A Natural History of Birds, &c. – containing the Figures elegantly drawn, and illuminated in their proper colours, of 209 different Birds, and about 20 very rare Quadrupeds, Serpents, Fishes, and Insects."[13]
1751年约翰·坎通John Canton from NPG.jpg"On account of his communicating to the Society, and exhibiting before them, his curious method of making Artificial Magnets without the use of Natural ones"[14]
1752年约翰·普林格英语John PringleJohn Pringle.jpg"On account of his very curious and useful Experiments and Observations on Septic and Anti-septic Substances, communicated to the Society"[15]
1753年班傑明·富蘭克林BenFranklinDuplessis.jpg"On account of his curious Experiments and Observations on Electricity"[16]
1754年威廉·刘易斯英语William Lewis (scientist)Fond blanc.svg"For the many Experiments made by him on Platina, which tend to the discovery of the sophistication of gold: – which he would have entirely completed, but was obliged to put a stop to his further enquiries for want of materials"[17]
1755年约翰·赫克萨姆英语John HuxhamJohn Huxham1.jpg"For his many useful Experiments on Antimony, of which an account had been read to the Society"[18]
1757年查尔斯·卡文迪什英语Lord Charles CavendishFond blanc.svg"On account of his very curious and useful invention of making Thermometers, showing respectively the greatest degrees of heat and cold which have happened at any time during the absence of the observer"[10]
1758年约翰·多伦德英语John DollondJohn Dollond, by Benjamin Wilson.jpg"On account of his curious Experiments and Discoveries concerning the different refrangibility of the Rays of Light, communicated to the Society"[19]
1759年约翰·斯密顿英语John SmeatonJohn Smeaton.jpg"On account of his curious Experiments concerning Water-wheels and Wind-mill Sails, communicated to the Society. For his experimental enquiry concerning the powers of water and wind in the moving of Mills"[20]
1760年本杰明·威尔逊英语Benjamin Wilson (painter)Benjamin Wilson, by Benjamin Wilson.jpg"For his many curious Experiments in Electricity, communicated to the Society within the year"[21]
1764年约翰·坎通John Canton from NPG.jpg"For his very ingenious and elegant Experiments in the Air Pump and Condensing Engine, to prove the Compressibility of Water, and some other Fluids"[14]
1766年威廉·布朗里格英语William BrownriggPortrait of biographer William Brownrigg Wellcome L0000279.jpg"For an experimental enquiry into the Mineral Elastic Spirit, or Air, contained in Spa-Water; as well as into the Mephitic qualities of this Spirit."
爱德华·迪拉沃英语Edward Delaval"For his Experiments and Observations on the agreement between the specific gravities of the several Metals, and their colours when united to glass, as well as those of their other preparations."
亨利·卡文迪什Cavendish Henry signature.jpg"For his Paper communicated this present year, containing his Experiments relating to Fixed Air."[22]





1772年約瑟夫·普利斯特里Priestley.jpg"On account of the many curious and useful Experiments contained in his observations"

1775年内维尔·马斯基林Maskelyne Nevil.jpg"In consideration of his curious and laborious Observations on the Attraction of Mountains, made in Scotland, – on Schehallien"[23]
1776年詹姆斯·庫克Captainjamescookportrait.jpg"For his Paper, giving an account of the method he had taken to preserve the health of the crew of H.M. Ship the Resolution, during her late voyage round the world. Whose communication to the Society was of such importance to the public"[24]


1780年塞缪尔·文斯英语Samuel VinceSamuel-Vince.jpg"For his paper, entitled, An investigation of the Principles of Progressive and Rotatory Motion, printed in the Philosophical Transactions"[25]
1781年威廉·赫歇尔William Herschel01.jpg"For the Communication of his Discovery of a new and singular Star; a discovery which does him particular honour, as, in all probability, this star has been for many years, perhaps ages, within the bounds of astronomic vision, and yet till now, eluded the most diligent researches of other observers"[26]

1783年约翰·古德利克Goodricke John.jpg"For his discovery of the Period of the Variation of Light in the Star Algol."
托马斯·哈钦斯英语Thomas Hutchins (naturalist)"For his Experiments to ascertain the point of Mercurial Congelation."[25]
1784年爱德华·华林Edwardwaring.jpg"For his Mathematical Communications to the Society. For his Paper On the Summation of Series, whose general term is a determinate function of z the distance from the first term of the series"[27]

1787年約翰·杭特John Hunter by John Jackson.jpg"For his three Papers, – On the Ovaria, On the identity of the dog, wolf, and jackall species, and On the anatomy of Whales, printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1787"[28]
1788年查爾斯·布拉格登英语Charles BlagdenBlagden Charles.jpg"For his two Papers on Congelation, printed in the last (78th) volume of the Philosophical transactions"[29]


1792年本杰明·汤普森Benjamin Thompson.jpg"For his various Papers on the Properties and Communication of Heat"[30]
1794年亚历山德罗·伏特Volta A.jpg"For his several Communications explanatory of certain Experiments published by Professor Galvani"
1795年杰西·拉姆斯登英语Jesse RamsdenJesse.Ramsden.jpg"For his various inventions and improvements in the construction of the Instruments for the Trigonometrical measurements carried on by the late Major General Roy, and by Lieut. Col. Williams and his associates"[31]
1796年乔治·阿特伍德Fond blanc.svg"For his Paper on the construction and analysis of geometrical propositions determining the positions assumed by homogeneal bodies which float freely, and at rest; and also determining the Stability of Ships and other floating bodies"[32]
1798年乔治·沙克伯勒-伊夫林爵士"For his various Communications printed in the Philosophical Transactions."
查理斯·哈契特Charles Hatchett 2.jpg"For his Chemical Communications printed in the Philosophical Transactions."[33]
1799年约翰·黑林斯英语John HellinsFond blanc.svg"For his improved Solution of a problem in Physical Astronomy, &c. printed in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1798; and his other Mathematical Papers"[34]
1800年愛德華·查爾斯·霍華德Fond blanc.svg"For his Paper on a New Fulminating Mercury"[35]



1801年阿斯特利·库柏英语Astley CooperAstley Paston Cooper 4.jpg"For his Papers – on the effects which take place from the destruction of the Membrana Tympani of the Ear; with an account of an operation for the removal of a particular species of Deafness"[36]
1802年威廉·海德·沃勒斯顿英语William Hyde WollastonWollaston William Hyde Jackson color.jpg"For his various Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions"[37]
1803年Richard Chenevix英语Richard Chenevix (chemist)Chenevix Richard.jpg"For his various Chemical Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions"[38]
1804年史密森·特南特Fond blanc.svg"For his various Chemical Discoveries communicated to the Society, and printed in several volumes of the Philosophical Transactions"[39]
1805年汉弗里·戴维Sir Humphry Davy, Bt by Thomas Phillips.jpg"For his various Communications published in the Philosophical Transactions"[40]
1806年Thomas Andrew Knight英语Thomas Andrew KnightThomas Andrew Knight (1758–1838).jpg"For his various Papers on Vegetation, printed in the Philosophical Transactions"[41]
1807年Everard Home英语Everard HomeSir Everard Home 1756–1832.jpg"For his various Papers on Anatomy and Physiology, printed in the Philosophical Transactions"
1808年威廉·亨利William Henry.jpg"For his various papers communicated to the society, and printed in the Philosophical Transactions"
1809年Edward Troughton英语Edward TroughtonFond blanc.svg"For the Account of his Method of dividing Astronomical Instruments, printed in the last volume of the Philosophical Transactions"[42]



1815年大卫·布儒斯特David-Brewster.jpg"For his Paper on the Polarization of Light by Reflection from Transparent Bodies"[43]


1820年漢斯·奧斯特Hans Christian Ørsted daguerreotype.jpg"For his Electro-magnetic Discoveries"[44]
1821年爱德华·萨宾英语Edward SabineEdward Sabine Maull&Fox BNF Gallica.jpg"For his various Communications to the Royal Society relating to his researches made in the late Expedition to the Arctic Regions."
约翰·赫歇尔Julia Margaret Cameron - John Herschel (Metropolitan Museum of Art copy, restored) levels.jpg"For his Papers printed in the Philosophical Transactions."[45]
1822年威廉·布克蘭William Buckland c1845.jpg"For his Paper on the Fossil Teeth and Bones discovered in a Cave at Kirkdale"[46]


1825年弗朗索瓦·阿拉戈Arago Francois portrait.jpg"For the Discovery of the Magnetic Properties of substances not containing Iron. For the Discovery of the power of various bodies, principally metallic, to receive magnetic impressions, in the same, though in a more evanescent manner than malleable Iron, and in an infinitely less intense degree. "
彼得·巴洛英语Peter Barlow (mathematician)Peter Barlow(math).jpg"For his various Communications on the subject of Magnetism. "[47]


1831年乔治·比德尔·艾里George Biddell Airy.jpg"For his Papers, On the principle of the construction of the Achromatic Eye-pieces of Telescopes, – On the Spherical Aberration of the Eye-pieces of Telescopes, and for other Papers on Optical Subjects in the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society"[48]
1832年麥可·法拉第Faraday-Millikan-Gale-1913.jpg"For his discovery of Magneto-Electricity as detailed in his Experimental Researches in Electricity, published in the Philosophical Transactions for the present year."
西莫恩·帕松Simeon Poisson.jpg"For his work entitled, Nouvelle Theorie de lAction Capillaire."[49]


1836年永斯·贝采利乌斯Jöns Jacob Berzelius.jpg"For his systematic application of the doctrine of definite proportions to the analysis of mineral bodies, as contained in his Nouveau Systeme de Mineralogie, and in other of his works."
弗朗西斯·基尔南英语Francis Kiernan"For his discoveries relating to the structure of the liver, as detailed in his paper communicated to the Royal Society, and published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1833."
1837年安托万·塞萨尔·贝克勒尔法语Antoine BecquerelAntoine Becquerel 2.jpg"For his various memoirs on the subject of electricity, published in the Memoires deacademie Royale des Sciences de lInstitut de France, and particularly for those on the production of crystals of metallic sulphurets and of sulphur, by the long-continued action of electricity of very low tension, and published in the tenth volume of those Memoires. "
约翰·弗雷德里克·丹尼尔Daniell chemist b.jpg"For his two papers on voltaic combinations published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1836."[50]
1838年卡尔·弗里德里希·高斯Carl Friedrich Gauss.jpg"For his inventions and mathematical researches in magnetism. "
迈克尔·法拉第Faraday-Millikan-Gale-1913.jpg"For his researches in specific electrical induction."[51]
1839年罗伯特·布朗Robert Brown (botanist).jpg"For his discoveries during a series of years, on the subject of vegetable impregnation"[52]
1840年尤斯图斯·冯·李比希Justus von Liebig NIH.jpg"For his discoveries in organic chemistry, and particularly for his development of the composition and theory of organic radicals."[53]
雅克·夏尔·弗朗索瓦·施图姆Charles Sturm.jpeg"For his "Memoire sur la Resolution des Equations Numeriques," published in the Memoires des Savans Etrangers for 1835."[54]
1841年格奧爾格·歐姆Georg Simon Ohm3.jpg"For his researches into the laws of electric currents contained in various memoirs published in Schweiggers Journal, Poggendorffs Annalen and in a separate work entitled Die galvanische Kette mathematisch bearbeitet"[55]
1842年詹姆斯·麦古拉英语James MacCullaghJames MacCullagh.png"For his researches connected with the wave theory of light, contained in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy"[56]
1843年让-巴蒂斯特·杜马Jean Baptiste André Dumas.jpg"For his late valuable researches in organic chemistry, particularly those contained in a series of memoirs on chemical types and the doctrine of substitution, and also for his elaborate investigations of the atomic weights of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and other elements"
1844年卡尔洛·马泰乌奇英语Carlo MatteucciCarlo Matteucci.jpeg"For his various researches in animal electricity"[57]
1845年泰奥多尔·施旺Theodor Schwann Litho.jpg"For his physiological researches on the development of animal & vegetable textures, published in his work entitled Mikroskopische Untersuchungen uber die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur u. dem Wachsthun der Thiese u. Bflanzen"
1846年奥本·勒维耶Urbain Le Verrier.jpg"For his investigations relative to the disturbances of Uranus by which he proved the existence and predicted the place of the new Planet; the Council considering such prediction confirmed as it was by the immediate discovery of the Planet to be one of the proudest triumphs of modern analysis applied to the Newtonian Theory of Gravitation"[58]
1847年约翰·赫歇尔Julia Margaret Cameron - John Herschel (Metropolitan Museum of Art copy, restored).jpg"For his work entitled Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837 and 1838, at the Cape of Good Hope; being a completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, commenced in 1825"[45]
1848年约翰·柯西·亚当斯John Couch Adams.jpg"For his investigations relative to the disturbances of Uranus, and for his application of the inverse problem of perturbations thereto"[59]
1849年罗德里克·麦奇生Murchison Roderick.jpg"For the eminent services he has rendered to geological science during many years of active observation in several parts of Europe; and especially for the establishment of that classification of the older Palaeozoic deposits designated the Silurian System, as set forth in the two works entitled The Silurian System founded on Geological Researches in England, and The Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains"
1850年彼得·安德烈亚斯·汉森英语Peter Andreas HansenP.A.Hansen.jpg"For his researches in physical astronomy"[40]



1851年理查·欧文Sir Richard Owen. Photograph by Lock & Whitfield. Wellcome V0026948.jpg"On account of his important discoveries in comparative anatomy & palaeontology, contained in the Philosophical Transactions and numerous other works"[60]
1852年亚历山大·冯·洪堡AvHumboldt.jpg"For his eminent services in terrestrial physics, during a series of years"[61]
1853年海因里希·威廉·多费英语Heinrich Wilhelm DoveHeinrich Wilhelm Dove 1857.jpg"For his work on the distribution of heat over the surface of the Earth"
1854年约翰内斯·彼得·缪勒Johannes Peter Müller.jpg"For his important contributions to different branches of physiology and comparative anatomy, and particularly for his researches on the embryology of the Echinodermata, contained in a series of memoirs published in the Transactions of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin"[62]
1855年莱昂·傅科Foucault.jpg"For his various researches in experimental physics"[40]
1856年亨利·米尔恩-爱德华兹英语Henri Milne-EdwardsHenri Milne-Edwards.jpg"For his researches in comparative anatomy and zoology"
1857年米歇尔·欧仁·谢弗勒尔Michel Eugène Chevreul 2.jpg"For his researches in organic chemistry, particularly on the composition of the fats, and for his researches on the contrast of coulours"[40]
1858年查尔斯·莱尔Charles Lyell00.jpg"For his various researches and writings by which he has contributed to the advance of geology"[40]
1859年威廉·韦伯Wilhelm Eduard Weber II.jpg"For the investigations contained in his Maasbestimmungen and other researches in electricity, magnetism, acoustics"[63]
1860年罗伯特·威廉·本生Robert Bunsen 02.jpg"For his researches on cacodyls, gaseous analysis, the Voltaire phenomena of Iceland; and other researches"[40]
1861年路易斯·阿加西Louis Agassiz H6.jpg"For his eminent researches in palaeontology and other branches of science, and particularly for his great works the Poissons Fossiles, and his Poissons du Vieux Gres Rouge dEcosse"[40]
1862年托马斯·格雷姆Thomas Graham by Maull & Polybank, 1856.jpg"For three memoirs of the diffusion of liquids, published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1850 and 1851; for a memoir on osmotic force in the Philosophical Transactions for 1854; and particularly for a paper on liquid diffusion applied to analysis, including a distinction of compounds into colloids & crystalloids published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1861"[64]

1864年查爾斯·達爾文Charles Darwin photograph by Oscar Rejlander, circa 1871.jpg"For his important researches in geology, zoology, and botanical physiology"[40]
1865年米歇尔·沙勒Michel Chasles.jpg"For his historical and original researches in pure geometry"[65]
1866年尤利乌斯·普吕克Julius Plücker.jpg"For his researches in analytical geometry, magnetism, & spectral analysis"[66]
1867年卡尔·恩斯特·冯·贝尔英语Karl Ernst von BaerVoyages de la Commission scientifique du Nord, en Scandinavie, en Laponie, au Spitzberg et aux Feröe - no-nb digibok 2009040211001-118.jpg"For his discoveries in embryology and comparative anatomy, and for his contributions to the philosophy of zoology"[40]
1868年查尔斯·惠斯通英语Charles WheatstoneWheatstone Charles drawing 1868.jpg"For his researches in acoustics, optics, electricity and magnetism"[40]
1869年亨利·维克托·勒尼奥Henri Victor Regnault.jpg"For the second volume of his Relation des Experiences pour determiner les lois et les donnees physiques necessaries au calcul des machines a feu, including his elaborate investigations on the specific heat of gases and vapours, and various papers on the elastic force of vapours"[40]
1870年詹姆斯·焦耳James Prescott Joule (1818-1889), seated, facing right. Phot Wellcome V0029563.jpg"For his experimental researches on the dynamical theory of heat"[40]
1871年尤利乌斯·罗伯特·冯·迈尔Julius Robert Mayer von Friedrich Berrer.jpg"For his researches on the mechanics of heat; including essays on: – 1. The force of inorganic nature. 2. Organic motion in connection with nutrition. 3. Fever. 4. Celestial dynamics. 5. The mechanical equivalent of heat"[40]
1872年弗里德里希·维勒Friedrich Wöhler Stich.jpg"For his numerous contributions to the science of chemistry, and more especially for his researches on the products of the decomposition of cyanogens by ammonia; on the derivatives of uric acid; on the benzoyl series; on boron, silicon, & their compounds; and on meteoric stones"[40]
1873年赫尔曼·冯·亥姆霍兹Hermann von Helmholtz.jpg"For his researches in physics and physiology"[67]
1874年路易·巴斯德Louis Pasteur, foto av Paul Nadar, Crisco edit.jpg"For his researches on fermentation and on pelerine"[40]
1875年奥古斯特·威廉·冯·霍夫曼Hoffman August Wilhelm von.jpg"For his numerous contributions to the science of chemistry, and especially for his researches on the derivatives of ammonia"[68]
1876年克洛德·贝尔纳Claude Bernard.jpg"For his numerous contributions to the science of physiology"[40]
1877年詹姆斯·德怀特·丹纳James Dwight Dana by Warren, 1865.jpg"For his biological, geological, and mineralogical investigations, carried on through half a century, and for the valuable works in which his conclusions and discoveries have been published"[40]
1878年J·B·布森戈Jean Baptiste JD Boussingault.jpg"For his long-continued and important researches and discoveries in agricultural chemistry"[69]
1879年鲁道夫·克劳修斯Clausius.jpg"For his well-known researches upon heat"[70]
1880年詹姆斯·约瑟夫·西尔维斯特James Joseph Sylvester.jpg"For his long continued investigations & discoveries in mathematics"[71]
1881年查尔斯-阿道夫·武尔茨Charles-Adolphe Wurtz.jpg"For his discovery of the organic ammonias, the glycols, and other investigations which have exercised considerable influence on the progress of chemistry"
1882年阿瑟·凯莱Arthur Cayley.jpg"For his numerous profound and comprehensive researches in pure mathematics"[72]
1883年威廉·汤姆森Lord Kelvin photograph.jpg"For (1) his discovery of the law of the universal dissipation of energy; (2) his researches and eminent services in physics, both experimental & mathematical, especially in the theory of electricity and thermodynamics"[73]
1884年卡尔·路德维希英语Carl LudwigCarl Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig.jpg"For his investigations in physiology, and the great services which he has rendered to physiological science"
1885年弗里德里希·奥古斯特·凯库勒Frkekulé.jpg"For his researches in organic chemistry"[40]
1886年弗朗茨·恩斯特·諾伊曼英语Franz Ernst NeumannFranz Ernst Neumann by Carl Steffeck 1886.jpg"For his researches in theoretical optics and electro-dynamics"[74]
1887年约瑟夫·道尔顿·胡克Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker.jpg"For his services to botanical science as an investigator, author, and traveller"[40]
1888年托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎T.H.Huxley(Woodburytype).jpg"For his investigations on the morphology and histology of vertebrate and invertebrate animals, and for his services to biological science in general during many past years"[40]

1890年西蒙·纽康Simon Newcomb 01.jpg"For his contributions to the progress of gravitational astronomy"[75]
1891年斯坦尼斯劳·坎尼扎罗Cannizzaro Stanislao.jpg"For his contributions to chemical philosophy especially for his application of Avogadros theory"[40]
1892年鲁道夫·菲尔绍Rudolf Virchow NLM3.jpg"For his investigations in pathology, pathological anatomy, and prehistoric archaeology"[40]
1893年乔治·斯托克斯Ggstokes.jpg"For his researches and discoveries in physical science"[76]

1895年卡尔·魏尔斯特拉斯Karl Weierstrass.jpg"For his investigations in pure mathematics"[77]
1896年卡尔·根格包尔英语Karl GegenbaurGegenbaur.jpg"For his life-long researches in comparative anatomy in all branches of the animal kingdom. etc., etc"
1897年阿尔伯特·冯·科立克Kolliker2.jpg"In recognition of his important work in embryology, comparative anatomy, and physiology, and especially for his eminence as a histologist"
1898年威廉·哈金斯Sir William Huggins by John Collier.jpg"For his researches in spectrum analysis applied to the heavenly bodies"

1899年约翰·斯特拉特John William Strutt.jpg"In recognition of his contributions to physical science"
1900年马塞兰·贝特洛Marcellin Berthelot.jpg"For his brilliant services to chemical science"



1901年約西亞·吉布斯Josiah Willard Gibbs -from MMS-.jpg"For his contributions to mathematical physics"
1902年约瑟夫·李斯特Joseph Lister 1902.jpg"In recognition of the value of his physiological and pathological researches in regard to their influence on the modern practice of surgery"
1903年爱德华·修斯Eduard Sueß.jpg"For his eminent geological services, & especially for the original researches & conclusions published in his great work 'Das Antlitz der Erde'"
1904年威廉·克鲁克斯PSM V10 D660 William Crookes.jpg"For his long-continued researches in spectroscopic chemistry, on electrical & mechanical phenomena in highly-rarefied gases, on radio-active phenomena, and other subjects"
1905年门捷列夫DIMendeleevCab.jpg"For his contributions to chemical and physical science"
1906年埃黎耶·埃黎赫·梅契尼可夫Ilya Mechnikov nobel.jpg"On the ground of the importance of his work in zoology and in pathology"
1907年阿尔伯特·迈克耳孙Albert Abraham Michelson2.jpg"On the ground of his investigations in optics"
1908年阿尔弗雷德·拉塞尔·华莱士Alfred-Russel-Wallace-c1895.jpg"On the ground of the great value of his numerous contributions to natural history, and of the part he took in working out the theory of the origin of species by natural selection"
1909年喬治·希爾Hill1905.jpg"On the ground of his researches in mathematical astronomy"
1910年弗朗西斯·高尔顿Francis Galton 1850s.jpg"On the ground of his researches in heredity"
1911年乔治·达尔文George Darwin sepia tone.jpg"On the ground of his researches on tidal theory, the figures of the planets, and allied subjects"
为其在潮汐理论英语Theory of tides、行星演算及相关领域上的研究贡献
1912年菲利克斯·克莱因Felix Klein.jpeg"On the ground of his researches in mathematics"
1913年雷·兰克斯特英语Ray LankesterPSM V73 D096 Edwin Ray Lankester.jpg"On the ground of the high scientific value of the researches in zoology carried out by him"
1914年約瑟夫·湯姆森J.J Thomson.jpg"On the ground of his discoveries in physical science"
1915年巴甫洛夫Ivan Pavlov NLM3.jpg"On the ground of his investigations in the physiology of digestion and of the higher centres of the nervous system"
1916年詹姆斯·杜瓦James Dewar.jpg"For his important investigations in physical chemistry, more especially his researches on the liquefaction of gases"
1917年埃米尔·鲁克斯英语Emile RouxPierre Paul Émile Roux 2.jpg"On the ground of his eminence as a bacteriologist, and as a pioneer in serum therapy"
1918年亨德里克·洛伦兹Hendrik Antoon Lorentz.jpg"On the ground of his distinguished researches in mathematical physics"
1919年威廉·贝利斯William Bayliss 1918b.jpg"On the ground of his researches in general physiology & biophysics"
1920年贺拉斯·特伯勒·布朗英语Horace Tabberer BrownHorace Tabberer Brown c1889.jpg"On the ground of his work on the chemistry of carbohydrates, &c"
1921年约瑟夫·拉莫尔Fond blanc.svg"For his researches in mathematical physics"
1922年欧内斯特·卢瑟福Ernest Rutherford LOC.jpg"For his researches in radio activity & atomic structure"
1923年贺拉斯·兰姆Lamb Horace bw.jpg"For his researches in mathematical physics"
1924年爱德华·阿尔伯特·沙佩沙尔英语Edward Albert Sharpey-SchaferPSM V79 D521 Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer.png"For the valuable work he has done in physiology and histology and the position he now occupies as a leader in these sciences"

1925年阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦Albert Einstein (Nobel).png"For his theory of relativity and his contributions to the quantum theory"
1926年弗雷德里克·霍普金斯Frederick Gowland Hopkins nobel.jpg"For his distinguished and fruitful work in biochemistry"
1927年查尔斯·斯科特·谢灵顿Prof. Charles Scott Sherrington.jpg"For his distinguished work on neurology"
1928年查尔斯·阿尔杰农·帕森斯Charles Algernon Parsons.jpg"For his contributions to engineering science"

1929年馬克斯·普朗克Max Planck 1933.jpg"For his contributions to theoretical physics and especially as the originator of the quantum theory"
1930年威廉·亨利·布拉格William Henry Bragg.jpg"For his distinguished contributions to crystallography and radioactivity"
1931年阿瑟·舒斯特英语Arthur SchusterSchuster Arthur signature.jpg"For his distinguished researches in optics and terrestrial magnetism"
1932年乔治·海尔Portrait of George Ellery Hale.jpg"For his distinguished work on the solar magnetic phenomena and for his eminence as a scientific engineer, especially in connexion with Mount Wilson Observatory"[92]
1933年西奥博尔德·史密斯英语Theobald SmithTheobald Smith.jpg"For his original research and observation on diseases of animals and man"[93]
1934年约翰·斯科特·霍尔丹英语John Scott HaldaneJohn Scott Haldane 1910.jpg"In recognition of his discoveries in human physiology and of their application to medicine, mining, diving and engineering"[94]
1935年查尔斯·威耳逊CTR Wilson.jpg"For his work on the use of clouds in advancing our knowledge of atoms and their properties"[95]
1936年阿瑟·埃文斯Sir Arthur John Evans.jpg"In recognition of his pioneer work in Crete, particularly his contributions to the history and civilization of its Minoan age"[96]
1937年亨利·哈利特·戴尔Henry Dale nobel.jpg"In recognition of his important contributions to physiology and pharmacology, particularly in relation to the nervous and neuro-muscular systems"[97]
1938年尼爾斯·波耳Niels Bohr.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished work in the development of the quantum theory of atomic structure"[98]
1939年托马斯·亨特·摩尔根Thomas Hunt Morgan.jpg"For his establishment of the modern science of genetics which had revolutionized our understanding, not only of heredity, but of the mechanism and nature of evolution"[99]
1940年保羅·朗之萬Langevin.jpg"For his pioneer work on the electron theory of magnetism, his fundamental contributions to discharge of electricity in gases, and his important work in many branches of theoretical physics"[100]
1941年托马斯·刘易斯英语Thomas Lewis (cardiologist)Thomas Lewis (cardiologist).jpg"For his clinical and experimental investigations upon the mammalian heart"[101]
1942年罗伯特·鲁宾逊Robert Robinson organic chemist.jpg"For his research work of outstanding originality and brilliance which has influenced the whole field of organic chemistry"[102]
1943年约瑟夫·巴克罗夫特英语Joseph BarcroftJoseph Barcroft c1940.jpg"For his distinguished work on respiration and the respiratory function of the blood"[103]
1944年杰弗里·泰勒"For his many contributions to aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and the structure of metals, which have had a profound influence on the advance of physical science and its applications"[104]
1945年奥斯瓦尔德·埃弗里Oswald T. Avery portrait 1937.jpg"For his success in introducing chemical methods in the study of immunity against infective diseases"[105]
1946年埃德加·阿德里安Edgar Douglas Adrian nobel.jpg"For his distinguished researches on the fundamental nature of nervous activity, and recently on the localization of certain nervous functions"[106]
1947年戈弗雷·哈罗德·哈代Ghhardy@72.jpg"For his distinguished part in the development of mathematical analysis in England during the last thirty years"[107]
1948年阿奇博尔德·希尔Archibald Vivian Hill.jpg"For his distinguished researches on myothermal problems and on biophysical phenomena in nerve and other tissues"[108]
1949年乔治·德海韦西George de Hevesy.jpg"For his distinguished work on the chemistry of radioactive elements and especially for his development of the radioactive tracer techniques in the investigation of biological processes"[109]
1950年詹姆斯·查德威克James Chadwick.jpg"For his outstanding work in nuclear physics and in the development of atomic energy, especially for his discovery of the neutron"[110]



1951年大卫·凯林英语David KeilinDavid Keilin 1931.jpg"For his fundamental researches in the fields of protozoology, entomology and the biochemistry of enzymes"[111]
1952年保羅·狄拉克Dirac 4.jpg"In recognition of his remarkable contributions to relativistic dynamics of a particle in quantum mechanics"[112]
1953年阿尔伯特·克吕沃尔英语Albert KluyverFond blanc.svg"For his distinguished contributions of a fundamental character to the science of microbiology"
1954年E. T. 魏泰克英语E. T. WhittakerFond blanc.svg"For his distinguished contributions to both pure and applied mathematics and to theoretical physics"[113]
1955年罗纳德·费希尔R. A. Fischer.jpg"In recognition of his numerous and distinguished contributions to developing the theory and application of statistics for making quantitative a vast field of biology"[114]
1956年帕特里克·布莱克特Blackett-large.jpg"In recognition of his outstanding studies of cosmic ray showers and heavy mesons and in the field of palaeomagnetism"
1957年霍华德·弗洛里Howard Walter Florey 1945.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished contributions to experimental pathology and medicine"[115]
1958年约翰·伊登斯尔·利特尔伍德Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his distinguished contributions to many branches of analysis, including Tauberian theory, the Riemann zeta function, and non-linear differential equations"[116]
1959年弗兰克·麦克法兰·伯内特Burnet 2jpg.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished contributions to knowledge of viruses and of immunology"[117]
1960年哈罗德·杰弗里Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his distinguished work in many branches of geophysics, and also in the theory of probability and astronomy"[118]
1961年汉斯·阿道夫·克雷布斯Hans Adolf Krebs.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished contributions to biochemistry, in particular his work on the ornithine, tricarboxylic acid and glyoxylate cycles"[119]
1962年西里尔·欣谢尔伍德Cyril Norman Hinshelwood Nobel.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished researches in the field of chemical kinetics, including the study of biological reaction mechanisms, and of his outstanding contributions to natural philosophy"[120]
1963年保罗·法尔兹英语Paul FildesSir Paul Fildes by Sir (Samuel) Luke Fildes.jpg"In recognition of his pioneering contributions to bacteriology."
1964年悉尼·查普曼Sydney Chapman.jpg"In recognition of his theoretical contributions to terrestrial and interplanetary magnetism, the ionosphere and the aurora borealis"[121]
1965年艾伦·劳埃德·霍奇金Alan Lloyd Hodgkin nobel.jpg"In recognition of his discovery of the mechanism of excitation and impulse conduction in nerve, and his outstanding leadership in the development of neurophysiology"
1966年威廉·劳伦斯·布拉格Wl-bragg.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the development of methods of structural determination by X-ray diffraction"[80]
1967年伯纳德·卡茨Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his distinguished contributions to knowledge of the fundamental processes involved in transmission across the neuromuscular junction"
1968年塔德乌什·赖希施泰因Thadeus Reichstein ETH-Bib Portr 10137.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished work on the chemistry of vitamin C and his authoritative studies of the cortico-steroids"
1969年彼得·梅达沃Peter Brian Medawar.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished studies of tissue transplantation and immunological tolerance"[80]
1970年亚历山大·罗伯图斯·托德Alexander Todd Nobel.jpg"In recognition of his outstanding contributions to both the analytical and synthetic chemistry of natural products of diverse types"[80]
1971年诺曼·皮里埃英语Norman PirieFond blanc.svg"In recognition of his distinguished contributions to biochemistry and especially for his elucidation of the nature of plant viruses"
1972年内维尔·莫特Mott,Nevill Francis 1952 London.jpg"In recognition of his original contributions over a long period to atomic and solid state physics"[80]
1973年安德鲁·赫胥黎Andrew Fielding Huxley nobel.jpg"In recognition of his outstanding studies on the mechanisms of the nerve impulse and of activation of muscular contraction"
1974年W. V. D. 霍奇英语W. V. D. HodgeFond blanc.svg"In recognition of his pioneering work in algebraic geometry, notably in his theory of harmonic integrals"[122]
1975年佛朗西斯·克里克Francis Crick crop.jpg"In recognition of his elucidation of the structure of DNA and his continuing contribution to molecular biology"
1976年多萝西·霍奇金Dorothy Hodgkin Nobel.jpg"In recognition of her outstanding work on the structures of complex molecules, particularly Penicillin, vitamin B12 and insulin"
1977年弗雷德里克·桑格Frederick Sanger2.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished work on the chemical structure of proteins and his studies on the sequences of nucleic acids"
1978年罗伯特·伯恩斯·伍德沃德Robert Burns Woodward in 1965.jpg"In recognition of his masterly contributions to the synthesis of complex natural products and his discovery of the importance of orbital symmetry"
1979年马克斯·佩鲁茨Max Perutz.jpg"In recognition of his distinguished contributions to molecular biology through his own studies of the structure and biological activity of haemoglobin and his leadership in the development of the subject"[80]
1980年德里克·巴顿Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his distinguished contributions to a wide range of problems in structural and synthetic organic chemistry and , in particular, his introduction of conformational analysis into stereochemistry"[80]
1981年彼得·米切尔Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his distinguished contribution to biology in his formulation and development of the chemiosmotic theory of energy transduction"[80]
1982年约翰·康福思Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his distinguished research on the stereochemically-controlled synthesis and biosynthesis of biologically important molecules"
1983年罗德尼·罗伯特·波特Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his elucidation of the structure of immunoglobulins and of the reactions involved in activating the complement system of proteins"
1984年苏布拉马尼扬·钱德拉塞卡Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his distinguished work on theoretical physics, including stellar structure, theory of radiation, hydrodynamic stability and relativity"[124]
1985年阿龙·克卢格Aaron Klug 1979.jpg"In recognition of his outstanding contributions to our understanding of complex biological structures and the methods used for determining them"

1986年鲁道夫·佩尔斯Peierls,Rudolf 1937.jpg"In recognition of his fundamental contributions to a very wide range of theoretical physics, and signal advances in proposing the probable existence of nuclear chain reactions in fissile materials"

1987年罗宾·希尔英语Robin Hill (biochemist)Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his pioneering contributions to the understanding of the nature and mechanism of the main pathway of electron transport in photosynthesis"

1988年迈克尔·阿蒂亚Michael Francis Atiyah.jpg"In recognition of his fundamental contributions to a wide range of topics in geometry, topology, analysis and theoretical physics"[125]
1989年色萨·米尔斯坦Milstein lnp.jpg"In recognition of his outstanding contributions to immunology, in particular to the discovery of monoclonal antibodies and to the understanding of the role of somatic mutations in the maturation of the immune response"
1990年阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆Abdus Salam 1987.jpg"In recognition of his work on the symmetries of the laws of nature, and especially the unification of the electromagnetic and weak forces"
1991年西德尼·布伦纳EMLederberg GStent SBrenner JLederberg 1965 wiki.jpg"In recognition of his many contributions to molecular genetics and developmental biology, and his recent role in the Human Genome mapping project"

1992年乔治·波特George Porter Nobel.jpg"In recognition of his contributions to fundamental understanding of fast photochemical and photophysical processes and their role in chemistry and biology"
1993年詹姆斯·杜威·沃森James D Watson.jpg"In recognition of his tireless pursuit of DNA, from the elucidation of its structure to the social and medical implications of the sequencing of the human genome"
Frank, Frederick CharlesFrederick Charles·Frank
Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his fundamental contribution to the theory of crystal morphology, in particular to the source of dislocations and their consequences in interfaces and crystal growth; to fundamental understanding of liquid crystals and the concept of disclination; and to the extension of crystallinity concepts to aperiodic crystals. He has also contributed through a variety of remarkable insights into a great number of physical problems"
Fenner, FrankFrank·Fenner
"In recognition of his contribution to animal virology with special emphasis on the pox and myxomatosis viruses and their relationship with the host in causing disease"
Cottrell, AlanAlan·Cottrell
Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his contribution to the understanding of mechanical properties of materials and related topics through his pioneering studies on crystal plasticity, dislocation impurity interactions, fracture and irradiation effects"[129]
Huxley, HughHugh·Huxley
Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his pioneering work on the structure of muscle and on the molecular mechanisms of muscle contraction, providing solutions to one of the great problems in physiology"
Lighthill, JamesJames·Lighthill
"In recognition of his profound contributions to many fields within fluid mechanics including important aspects of the interaction of sound and fluid flow and numerous other contributions which have had practical applications in aircraft engine design. He is noted also for his ground-breaking work on both external bio-fluid-dynamics – analysis of mechanisms of swimming and flying – and internal bio-fluid-dynamics, including flow in the cardiovascular system and the airways, and cochlear mechanics and other aspects of hearing"[130]
1999年约翰·梅纳德·史密斯英语John Maynard SmithJohn Maynard Smith.jpg"In recognition of his seminal contributions to evolutionary biology, including his experimental work on sexual selection, his important contributions to our understanding of ageing, his introduction of game theoretical methods for the analysis of complex evolutionary scenarios and his research into molecular evolution, both through his classic work on genetic hitchhiking, and with his more recent, ongoing work on bacterial population growth"
以表彰他在进化生物学的开创性贡献,包括他对性选择理论的试验性工作,他在我们了解老化上的重要贡献,他引入博弈论方法来对复杂进化场景进行分析和他对分子进化的研究以及他对遗传搭车英语genetic hitchhiking的经典之作并他近来对细菌数量生长的工作



2001年雅克·米勒Fond blanc.svg"For his work on the immunological function of the thymus and of T cells, which has revolutionised the science of immunology. Professor Millers work is paving the way for designing new methods to improve resistance to infections, producing new vaccines, enhancing graft survival, dealing with autoimmunity and even persuading the immune system to reject cancer cells"
2002年约翰·波普尔Fond blanc.svg"For his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry. His work transformed density functional theory into a powerful theoretical tool for chemistry, chemical physics and biology"[132]
2003年约翰·格登John Gurdon Cambridge 2012.JPG"For his unique range of groundbreaking discoveries in the fields of cell and developmental biology. He pioneered the concept that specialised cells are genetically equivalent and that they differ only in the genes they express not the genes they contain, a concept fundamental to modern biology"
2004年哈罗德·克罗托Harold Kroto 1c389 8471.sweden.jpg"in recognition of his seminal contributions to understanding the fundamental dynamics of carbon chain molecules, leading to the detection of these species (polyynes) in the interstellar medium by radioastronomy, and thence to the genesis of a new era in carbon science"[133]
2005年保罗·纳斯Paul Nurse portrait.jpg"for his contributions to cell biology in general, and to the elucidation of the control of cell division."

2006年史蒂芬·霍金Stephen Hawking.StarChild.jpg"For his outstanding contribution to theoretical physics and theoretical cosmology. "
2007年罗伯特·梅英语Robert May, Baron May of OxfordBobMayHarvard.jpg"for his seminal studies of interactions within and among biological populations that have reshaped our understanding of how species, communities and entire ecosystems respond to natural or human created disturbance."
2008年羅傑·潘洛斯Roger Penrose-6Nov2005.jpg"for his beautiful and original insights into many areas of mathematics and mathematical physics. Sir Roger has made outstanding contributions to general relativity theory and cosmology, most notably for his work on black holes and the Big Bang."
2009年馬丁·埃文斯Martin Evans Nobel Prize.jpg"for his seminal work on embryonic stem cells in mice, which revolutionised the field of genetics."
戴维·科克斯Nci-vol-8182-300 david cox.jpg"for his seminal contributions to the theory and applications of statistics."[134]
托马斯·林达尔Fond blanc.svg"for his seminal contributions to the understanding of the biochemistry of DNA repair."[134]
2011年丹·麥克肯澤Fond blanc.svg"For his seminal contributions to the understanding of geological and geophysical phenomena including tectonic plates."
2012年约翰·沃克Fond blanc.svg"For his ground-breaking work on bioenergetics, discovering the mechanism of ATP synthesis in the mitochondrion."[135]
2013年安德烈·海姆Andre Geim 2010-1.jpg"For his numerous scientific contributions and, in particular, for initiating research on two‐dimensional atomic crystals and their artificial heterostructures."
2014年亚历克·杰弗里斯Alec Jeffreys.jpg"For his pioneering work on variation and mutation in the human genome."
2015彼得·希格斯Higgs, Peter (1929)3.jpg"For his fundamental contribution to particle physics with his theory explaining the origin of mass in elementary particles, confirmed by the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider."[137]
2016理查德·亨德森Fond blanc.svg"In recognition of his fundamental and revolutionary contributions to the development of electron microscopy of biological materials, enabling their atomic structures to be deduced."[138]
2017安德魯·懷爾斯Andrew wiles1-3.jpg"For his beautiful and unexpected proof of Fermat's Last Theorem which is one of the most important mathematical achievements of the 20th century."[139]


  1. ^ 1.01.1 Oxford DNB article:Gray, Stephen (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  2. ^ Oxford DNB article:Desaguliers, John Theophilus (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  3. ^ Oxford DNB article:Belchier, John (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  4. ^ Oxford DNB article:Hales, Stephen (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  5. ^ Oxford DNB article:Stuart, Alexander (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  6. ^ Oxford DNB article:Middleton, Christopher (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  7. ^ Oxford DNB article:Baker, Henry (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  8. ^ Oxford DNB article:Watson, Sir William (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  9. ^ Robins biography. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-29]. 

  10. ^ 10.010.1 Jungnickel, Christa. Cavendish. DIANE publishing. 1996 [2009-01-29]. 

  11. ^ Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You – Timeline – James Bradley. Florida State University. [2009-01-29]. 

  12. ^ Jungnickel, Christa. Cavendish. DIANE publishing. 1996 [2009-01-29]. 

  13. ^ RCP Heritage – George Edwards. Royal College of Physicians. [2009-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2006-05-04).  无效|dead-url=bot: unknown (帮助)

  14. ^ 14.014.1 Jungnickel, Christa. Cavendish. DIANE publishing. 1996 [2009-01-29]. 

  15. ^ Oxford DNB article:Pringle, Sir John (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  16. ^ Franklin_Benjamin biography. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-29]. 

  17. ^ Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution. Manchester University Press. 1969 [2009-01-29]. 

  18. ^ Oxford DNB article:Huxham, John (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  19. ^ Oxford DNB article:Dollond family (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  20. ^ Engineering Timelines – John Smeaton. Engineering Timelines. [2009-01-29]. 

  21. ^ Oxford DNB article:Wilson, Benjamin (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  22. ^ The British Society for the History of Mathematics. British Society for the History of Mathematics. [2009-02-06]. 

  23. ^ Maskelyne biography. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-29]. 

  24. ^ 24.024.1 Stephen Hawking wins Copley Medal. Trinity College, Cambridge. [2009-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-05).  无效|dead-url=bot: unknown (帮助)

  25. ^ 25.025.1 Digital Collections – Manuscripts – Item 15a – 15z, 15(1) – 15(20): Addresses to the Royal Society, London the first on being appointed to the Chair and later addresses on presentations of the Copley Medal, 1778–1796.. National Library of Australia. [2009-01-29]. 

  26. ^ Friedrich William Herschel. Florida State University. [2009-02-07]. 

  27. ^ Waring summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-29]. 

  28. ^ John Hunter: ‘Founder of Scientific Surgery’ – HemOnc Today. HemOnc Today. [2009-02-08]. 

  29. ^ Oxford DNB article:Blagden, Charles (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. [2009-01-29]. 

  30. ^ Oxford DNB article: Thompson, Sir Benjamin (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-08]. 

  31. ^ Ramsden summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-29]. 

  32. ^ Attwood summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-29]. 

  33. ^ Oxford DNB article:Hatchett, Charles (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-01-29]. 

  34. ^ British Society for the History of Mathematics. University of Warwick. [2009-01-29]. 

  35. ^ Sears, Derek. Edward Charles Howard (PDF). University of Arkansas. [2009-02-03]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2009-03-20). 

  36. ^ Cooper, Sir Astley Paston (1768–1841). Aim25. [2009-02-03]. 

  37. ^ Wollaston. Hebrew University of Jerusalem. [2009-02-08]. 

  38. ^ Griffith, WP. PMR: Bicentenary of Four Platinum Group Metals. Platinum Metals Review. [2009-02-03]. 

  39. ^ Griffith, WP. PMR: Bicentenary of Four Platinum Group Metals. Platinum Metals Review. [2009-02-03]. 

  40. ^ 40.0040.0140.0240.0340.0440.0540.0640.0740.0840.0940.1040.1140.1240.1340.1440.1540.1640.1740.1840.1940.2040.2140.22 Oxford DNB theme: Holders of the Copley Medal (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  41. ^ Darrow, GM. Early Breeding in Europe. United States National Agricultural Library. [2009-02-03]. 

  42. ^ Troughton Summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-30]. 

  43. ^ Sir David Brewster (1781–1868). University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2008-11-04). 

  44. ^ SpringerLink – Book Chapter. SpringerLink. [2009-02-08]. 

  45. ^ 45.045.1 Herschel summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-30]. 

  46. ^ William Buckland & Reliquae Diluvianae. University of Minnesota. [2009-02-08]. 

  47. ^ Arago summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-30]. 

  48. ^ Airy summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-30]. 

  49. ^ Poisson summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-01-30]. 

  50. ^ Chambers Search Chambers. Chambers Harrap. [2009-02-05]. 

  51. ^ Gauss summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-08]. 

  52. ^ Oxford DNB article:Brown, Robert (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  53. ^ Brock, William H. Justus Von Liebig: The Chemical Gatekeeper. Cambridge University Press. 2002 [2009-02-15]. 

  54. ^ Sturm summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-15]. 

  55. ^ Ohm biography. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-15]. 

  56. ^ MacCullagh summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  57. ^ Morselli, Mario. Amedeo Avogadro, a Scientific Biography. Springer. 1984 [2009-02-05]. ISBN 978-90-277-1624-8. 

  58. ^ Le Verrier biography. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  59. ^ Adams summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  60. ^ Own, Richard: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Wiley InterScience. [2009-02-05]. 

  61. ^ Humboldt – Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander – von – 1769–1859 – Baron – German naturalist, geologist and explorer. University of Edinburgh. [2009-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2008-02-23). 

  62. ^ BjS: Academic Lineage. Yale University. [2009-02-05]. 

  63. ^ Weber summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  64. ^ Darwin and the Copley Medal (PDF). American Philosophical Society. [2009-02-05]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2005-12-16). 

  65. ^ Chasles summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  66. ^ Plucker summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  67. ^ Helmholtz summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  68. ^ Chemical News and Journal of Industrial Science. Journal of Industrial Science. [2009-02-05]. 

  69. ^ Jean Baptiste Boussingault (PDF). Journal of Nutrition. [2009-02-05]. 

  70. ^ Clausius summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  71. ^ Sylvester summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  72. ^ Cayley summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  73. ^ Thompson summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  74. ^ Neumann_Franz summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  75. ^ Newcomb summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  76. ^ Stokes summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  77. ^ Weierstrass summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  78. ^ Rayleigh summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-03]. 

  79. ^ Gibbs summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  80. ^ 80.0080.0180.0280.0380.0480.0580.0680.0780.0880.0980.1080.1180.1280.1380.1480.1580.1680.1780.1880.1980.2080.2180.2280.2380.2480.2580.2680.27 Oxford DNB theme: Holders of the Copley Medal. Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  81. ^ Klein summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  82. ^ Obituary: Edwin Ray Lankester (PDF). National Marine Biological Laboratory. [2009-02-05]. 

  83. ^ Notes and Records of the Royal Society. Royal Society Publishing. [2009-02-05]. 

  84. ^ Obituary notice: Horace Tabberer Brown (PDF). Biochemical Journal. [2009-02-05]. 

  85. ^ Larmour summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  86. ^ Lamb summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  87. ^ Oxford DNB article: Hopkins, Sir Frederick (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  88. ^ Sir Charles Sherrington – Biography. Nobel Foundation. [2009-02-05]. 

  89. ^ Planck summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-15]. 

  90. ^ William Bragg – Biography. Nobel Foundation. [2009-02-15]. 

  91. ^ Sir Arthur Schuster. The Astrophysical Journal. Bibcode:1935ApJ....81...97H. doi:10.1086/143618. 

  92. ^ George Ellery Hale: Acknowledgements. Franklin Institute. [2009-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-30). 

  93. ^ Award of the Copley Medal of the Royal Society to Professor Theobald Smith. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Bibcode:1933Sci....78R.598.. doi:10.1126/science.78.2035.598. 

  94. ^ Oxford DNB article: Haldane, John Scott (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  95. ^ C.T.R.Wilson – Biography. Nobel Foundation. [2009-02-15]. 

  96. ^ Sir Arthur Evans, F.R.S: Abstract. Nature. [2009-02-05]. 

  97. ^ Sir Henry Dale – Biography. Nobel Foundation. [2009-02-15]. 

  98. ^ Bohr_Niels summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-15]. 

  99. ^ Thomas H. Morgan – Biography. Nobel Foundation. [2009-02-15]. 

  100. ^ Medal Awards of the Royal Society. Nature. [2009-02-15]. 

  101. ^ Thomas Lewis. Cardiology Journal. [2009-02-05]. [失效連結]

  102. ^ Sir Robert Robinson – Biography. nobelprize.org. [2009-02-15]. 

  103. ^ Sir Joseph Barcroft of Cambridge. Archives of Disease in Childhood. [2009-02-05]. 

  104. ^ Taylor_Geoffrey summay. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  105. ^ The Oswald T. Avery Collection: Biographical Information. United States National Library of Medicine. [2009-02-15]. 

  106. ^ Oxford DNB article:Adrian, Edgar Douglas (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  107. ^ Hardy summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  108. ^ Oxford DNB article:Hill, Archibald Vivian (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  109. ^ Royal Society: Anniversary Address By Sir Robert Robinson, O.M., F.R.S. Nature. [2009-02-15]. 

  110. ^ Oxford DNB article:Chadwick, James (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  111. ^ Oxford DNB article:Keilin, David (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  112. ^ Oxford DNB article:Dirac, Paul(subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  113. ^ Whittaker summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  114. ^ Fisher summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  115. ^ Oxford DNB article:Florey, Howard (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  116. ^ Littlewood summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  117. ^ Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet – Biography. nobelprize.org. [2009-02-05]. 

  118. ^ Jeffreys summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  119. ^ Sir Hans Adolf Krebs. nobel-winners.com. [2009-02-05]. 

  120. ^ Oxford DNB article:Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  121. ^ Oxford DNB article:Chapman, Sydney (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  122. ^ Hodge summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  123. ^ Emeritus Professor Sir John Cornforth – Alumni & Friends. University of Sydney. [2009-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-21). 

  124. ^ Chandrasekhar biography. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-15]. 

  125. ^ Atiyah biography. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-15]. 

  126. ^ Oxford DNB article:Salam, Abdus (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  127. ^ Oxford DNB article:Porter, George (subscription needed). Oxford University Press. 2004 [2009-02-15]. 

  128. ^ Copley Medal. Royal Society website. The Royal Society. [April 19, 2013]. 

  129. ^ MRS Website: Award Presentations. Materials Research Society. [2009-02-15]. 

  130. ^ Lighthill summary. University of St Andrews. [2009-02-05]. 

  131. ^ John Maynard Smith January 6, 1920 – April 19, 2004. Genetics. [2009-02-15]. 

  132. ^ Obituary: John A. Pople. The Observer. [2009-02-15]. 

  133. ^ FSU highlights. Florida State University. [2009-02-15]. 

  134. ^ 134.0134.1 Two medals were awarded to celebrate the Society's 350th anniversary: Recent award winners 2010. The Royal Society. [2010-10-06].  

  135. ^ . The Royal Society http://royalsociety.org/news/top-scientists-2012/. [2012-09-06].  缺少或|title=为空 (帮助)

  136. ^ Leicester University Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys wins science's oldest prize. Leicester Mercury. 5 August 2014 [5 August 2014]. 

  137. ^ Copley Medal 2015

  138. ^ Copley Medal 2016

  139. ^ [1]


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