
馬其頓戰役(Macedonian Front)也稱薩洛尼卡戰役,是第一次世界大戰期間在馬其頓地區的戰役。1915年秋季, 德意志第二帝国,奧匈帝國和保加利亞展開了對塞爾維亞的進攻,馬其頓戰役爆發。之後同盟國軍隊一度在這裡展開穩定的佔領。但在1918年9月,協約國軍隊開始反攻。保加利亞被迫投降,同時塞爾維亞得到解放。馬其頓戰役以協約國的勝利而告終。


  • Esposito, V. The West Point Atlas of American Wars, Vol II. Westport, Cn: Praeger. 1959. OCLC 311479559. 

  • Falls, C. Military Operations Macedonia: From the Outbreak of War to the Spring of 1917. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence I IWM and Battery Press 1996. London: HMSO. 1933. ISBN 0-89839-242-X. 

  • Falls, C. Military Operations Macedonia: From the Spring of 1917 to the End of the War. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence II IWM and Battery Press 1996. Nashville, TN: HMSO. 1935. ISBN 0-89839-243-8. 

  • Hall, R. Balkan Breakthrough: The Battle of Dobro Pole 1918. Bloomington, In: Indiana University Press. 2010. ISBN 0-253-35452-8. 

  • Palmer, A. The Gardeners of Salonika, The Macedonian Campaign 1915–1918. London: Andre Deutsch. 1965. ISBN 0-23395-748-0. 

  • Parker, C. Return to Salonika. London: Cassell. 1964. OCLC 450429. 

  • Wakefield, A.; Moody, S. Under the Devil's Eye: Britain's Forgotten Army at Salonika 1915–1918. London: History Press. 2004. ISBN 0-7509-3537-5. 


  • Balkanalysis.com review of the official British government history of the Macedonian Front campaign, Military Operations Macedonia: Parts 1 & 2

  • The New Zealand Stationary (Military) Hospital at Salonika (chapter on)

  • The New Zealand Stationary Hospital at Salonika (photo of))

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